|- I need your help Dandy/Astro! -|

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Vee: Astro, I'm facing a pretty significant problem.  

Astro: What's going on?  

Shelly: Dandy! I really need your help right now!  

Dandy: *sipping his strong black coffee, the rich aroma filling the air* What's the issue?  

Shelly and Vee: We're both falling in love!  

In a startling moment, Dandy suddenly chokes on his coffee, the steaming liquid sputtering from his mouth as he sets the cup down hard on the table. His head drops onto his desk, utterly stunned. Across the room, Astro, caught off guard, clumsily tumbles to the floor.  

Vee: ASTRO!  

Shelly: Oh no! I'm so sorry, Dandy! I'll clean that up right away!  

In Dandy's mind: Oh man, this is a total disaster.  

In Astro's mind: Oh no... not like this.  

Both Astro and Dandy are thinking: What on earth do we do now?  

Dandy and Astro: So, how exactly did this happen?  

Shelly and Vee: It all started when we were feeling a bit dizzy after our merge; we realized how incredibly well we work together as a team, and it just clicked!  

Dandy (thinking): Great, this totally wasn't part of the plan. Is there some unintentional side effect to Astro's powers that we weren't aware of?  

Astro (thinking): Could this really be my fault?  


So I finally fixed this book so now it is better,  The Book struck me as perfect for a comic, but my drawing skills aren't quite there. If anyone feels inspired to transform this idea into a comic, go ahead and make it happen!

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