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July 4th 2009... A young couple by the name of Bianca and Barry Numi were on their way to hospital after Bianca had recently gone into labour.

As Barry drove to the hospital, he looked at his wife happily.

The two were both excited as this was their first child, and they had wanted one for so long.

Soon enough they arrived at the hospital and Bianca was brought to her room.

The two were talking to each other for a moment, before the doctor came in.

"I can't wait to meet the baby."

"Me either."

Soon after, the doctor walked into the room, she smiled softly at the couple.

Bianca smiled weakly, it was clear she was already exhausted.

"Hello Bianca, my name is Doctor Kelli, and I'm going to be helping you give birth today."

The doctor seemed like a sweet woman, she was older but that didn't matter to Bianca.

"It seems like you're already quite far into your labour, so we should get this started."

Bianca looked up at Kelli, she was so excited but also very nervous to give birth for the first time.

"Great, let's do it, I can't take much more of these contractions..."

Bianca spoke in a strained voice, it was clear she was ready to give birth.

"I just have to go and get the nurse, so hang in there for a few more minutes."

Bianca agreed with her doctor, as she watched her leave the room, she looked at her husband again.

A few moments passed and Doctor Kelli came back with a nurse, who brought the supplies on a small cart.

Eventually Barry had to leave the room, not because the doctor had told him too, but because he had a weak stomach, and couldn't deal with the birth.

Barry sat in the waiting room for what felt like hours, even though the whole process only lasted about an hour and a half.

Soon enough, the nurse popped her head out of the room, looking at Barry with a smile.

"Your wife is ready to see you sir."

Barry walked into the room, seeing his wife looking down at her new baby.

"Bianca... How did it go?"

"It was painful, but I did it... And here she is, our baby girl."

Barry looked down, noticing his daughter who was wrapped in her pink blanket.

"She's beautiful..."

"Would you like to hold her?"

Bianca looked up, as she spoke, she saw Barry's eyes light up.

"Yes, I would love to."

As he held her, she stirred a bit, but nothing serious, she seemed to be sleeping well.

"What do you want to name her?"

Barry pondered for a moment, before he looked at his wife with a smile.

"How about Seven...?"

Bianca looked pleased, she already liked that name immediately after hearing it.

"Seven Numi... I like it."

Barry handed the baby back to his wife soon after, as he noticed her stir again.

The couple sat there for a while, just admiring their daughter.

After a while, Seven began to stir again, but this time it didn't stop, and she began to whine.

Soon after she began to cry, and neither Bianca or Barry knew what to do.

"Take out a fresh diaper, maybe she needs to be changed?"

So Barry got the diaper bag out, and quickly pulled a fresh diaper, handing it to his wife as she sat up in her bed.

She placed Seven in front of her on the bed.

She was about to take the blanket off but before that, Seven kicked it off.

Barry looked at Bianca, they were both shocked to see what lay underneath the blanket.

"Barry, look."

"She has a full head of hair already!"

Seven had kicked her blanket off, which had revealed a full head of hair, but the strangest part was...

Her hair was completely rainbow coloured, and it was all natural...

Experiment #7 rewritten.Where stories live. Discover now