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Classic iron studies:
◻ Serum Iron (SI)
◻ Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC)
◻ Percent Transferrin Saturation
◻ Prussian Blue Staining of Tissues
◻ Ferritin

Special Test
◻ Soluble transferrin receptor (sTfr)
◻ Hemoglobin content of reticulocyte (CHr)
◻ RBC zinc protoporhyrin level

􏰀 Performed when results of routine assays are equivocal or too invasive

Serum Iron
◻ Represent the number of bound iron

◻ Spectrophotometry
􏰀 Ferrozine as reagent
■ Subject to diurnal variation
      •High within -day or between-day variability
■ Increases in recent ingestion of iron containing foods/supplement
        •Fasting early morning specimen (?)
        •Early morning specimen

􏰀 Variation in hepcidin contributes to serum iron variability

The amount of iron in plasma or serum will be limited by the amount of transferrin that is available to carry it.

◻Measure the availability of iron binding sites on transferrin
􏰀 Add excess ferric iron to specimen
􏰀 Unbound iron are precipitated w/ magnesium carbonate powder
❖ Result: amount of iron detected represents all the binding sites available for transferrin

􏰀 Indirect measure of transferrin
■ 1g transferrin binds 1.4 mg of iron
■ Expressed as an iron value

Percent Transferrin Saturation
◻ Degree to which the available sites are occupied by iron
􏰀 SI/TIBC X 100 = % Transferrin Saturation
■ It is important that SI & TIBC be expressed in the same units.
❖ Rule of thumb: 1/3 of transferrin is saturated with iron

Prussian Blue Staining of Tissues
◻ Gold standard for assessment of body iron
◻ Potassium ferrocyanide
􏰀 Ferric ion in tissue reacts with reagent
■ Dark blue dots (microscopic)
■ scored semiquantitatively
■ bone marrow; liver

􏰀 Assessment of stored body iron
􏰀 Currently accepted assay for diagnosing stored iron (immunoassay)
􏰀 Highly indicative of iron deficiency
■ Level of serum ferritin highly correlates with Prussian blue stain of BM

􏰀 Acute phase reactant protein
■ Falsely elevated in:
      •Acute inflammation (e.g. bacterial infection)

■ Values between 20 – 100 ng/ml is equivocal
■ Low ferritin result shows high predictive value for iron deficiency

Soluble Transferrin Receptor (sTfR)
◻ The amount of TfR on membrane is based on the amount of intracellular iron
􏰀 decreased intracellular iron = increase in expressed TfR
􏰀 Increased sTfR
■ Increase TfR1 on individual cells
     •iron deficiency
■ increase in number of cells, each with a normal number of TfRs
      •rapid erythropoiesis
       •Hemolytic anemia

Hemoglobin content of reticulocyte (CHr)
◻ Amount of hemoglobin in reticulocytes
􏰀 Analogous to MCH (reticulocyte)
■ # of reticulocytes represents the status of erythropoiesis
■ CHr will decrease when iron for erythropoiesis is restricted
■ Effective early indicator of iron deficiency early in erythrocyte hemoglobinization.
❖ Increases if reticulocyte circulate longer in response to anemia
❖ Separate reference intervals may be provided for children and infants.

Soluble Transferrin Receptor/Log Ferritin
◻ Ratio of sTfR to ferritin or sTfR to log ferritin
􏰀 Improves the identification of iron deficiency when values of ferritin & sTfR are equivocal E.g.
■ increased sTfR – iron deficiency
■ Decreased ferritin
■ Decreased log ferritin
❖ Ratio is useful when one of the parameters has changed but is not outside the reference interval

Thomas Plot
◻ The plot is based on the relation between the ratio of the soluble transferrin receptor value to the logarithm of the ferritin value (sTfR/log Ferr) and the reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (RET-He parameter )

Different assessment of iron status
◻ soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR)
◻ Ferritin
◻ log ferritin
◻ Ret-He
􏰀 Can improve the identification of iron deficiency

Thomas Plot
􏰀 sTfR- I
􏰀 sTfR/log ferritin – H
􏰀 CHr – L
PLOT – lower right quadrant
■ True Iron deficiency

◻ Ferritin – falsely H
◻ sTfR/log ferritin – N
◻ CHr – L

PLOT – lower left quadrant
􏰀 Functional iron deficiency
■ Iron is adequate but not available for transport

Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP)
◻ Accumulate in RBCs when iron is NOT incorporated into heme and zinc binds instead to protoporphyrin IX
◻ Fluorescence
◻ Importance

􏰀 elevated value is observed when the activity of ferrochelatase is impaired
•Lead poisoning

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