lets play 05

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I got ready. I was super excited for Friday because I knew I would be with Scott. School went by so slow, as if it was on purpose. I felt like it would never end. I found myself waiting for my free period so I could go see him. It was tryouts day. I knew he'd make it, but I wanted to see him.

I walked up on the bleachers and sat down where I'd have a good view of the lacrosse field. Or Scott. Damn it.
The whistle blew and tryouts began.

He got knocked down the first time. I'm pretty sure it was Jackson, I jut couldn't see the face clearly.
But then the coach blew the whistle so they could start over and he was swiftly moving down the field, flipping over people. He made the goal. It was incredible. People knew he was good, but this was..
"MCCALL. Get over here. What the hell was that? This is a lacrosse field. What are you trying out for? The gymnastics team?"
"No coach."
"Then what the hell what that?"
"I was just trying to make the shot."
"Yeah well you made the shot. And guess what? You're starting buddy" I heard coach say. " You made first line!!!"
People started standing up and cheering. God , I was the happiest girl on earth. But his best friend wasn't too happy. Jealousy, maybe?
After tryouts were over I went home to get ready. Still smiling , I wondered what to wear to the party. After putting 8 different outfits I still had no idea what to wear! This had never happened to me.... A guy had never made me so nervous.
But I'm going out with him.
I ended up picking a blue blazer with a white shirt and a pair of jeans. I made my hair look wavy & put a headband in.
A couple minutes later Scott was here. I walked outside and he looked at as if I was the most beautiful girl in the world. No one had ever looked at me that way.
We drove to the party. When we got there, people were dancing and the music was loud. I saw him staring at something and he looked uncomfortable.
"You okay?" I said.
"What? Yeah. I'm fine."
He still looked nervous. So I grabbed his hand. He immediately smiled and I led him to the dance floor.
We will dancing really close and I was having the time of my life. My pulse was racing 200 miles an hour. He would tease me by almost kissing me and I would put my face in his shoulders. Then it felt like the music was slowing down, along with the rest of the world.
We were almost about to kiss.
I leaned in slowly and all of a sudden he pulled away. I felt like a complete idiot. He seemed like he had an awful pain somewhere.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"I'll be right back." Was all he said.
Was he drunk? I didn't know , but I hadn't seen him drink anything.
He left the party and went outside. I ran after him, but he got in his car and drove away. And just .. Left me there. I felt awful. He just ditched me and I was about to cry.
Then this guy who was extremely good looking came up to me. He was wearing a black leather jacket and looked about 21.
"Allison. I'm a friend of Scott's." He said.
How the hell did he know my name?
I looked back to see if maybe Scott had come back.
"My name is Derek." He said, coming closer. "I'm sorry about Scott. I don't think he was feeling well. But I can offer you a ride home if you'd like.
"No I'm okay. I don't want to cause you any trouble." I answered.
"Honestly, it's fine Allison."
"Are you sure?"
"Definitely. Come on."
I followed home to his car. It was really nice actually. He dropped me off at home. He was actually a pretty sweet guy.
"Thanks for the ride. I really appreciated it." I said, turning to him.
"No problem. Good Night." He said.
I walked up my doorsteps and went in. He had already pulled away.
5 minutes later someone was ringing the doorbell like crazy.
Maybe it was Derek?
My mom answered the door. I listened to the conversation.
"Hi. Mrs. Argent. You have no idea who I am. I'm a friend of your daughters-uh- this is going to sound kind of crazy but - really crazy actually- you know what crazy doesn't begin to describe it-
"Allison! It's for you." I heard my mom call.
I came out of my room and Stiles, Scott's best friend was standing there.
"Okay, this is awkward. I gotta go now."
He ran, got into his car and left.
My mom looked at me. I just shrugged and walked back to my room.
The next day Scott was sitting at a bench outside of school, waiting for me. He had asked to see me.
"So what happened yesterday?! You left me stranded at the party..." I said. I was aggravated.
"Yeah, I know. I'm really sorry. I am. But you're gonna have to trust that I had a really good reason."
"Did you get sick?" I said, furiously.
"It was definitely an attack of something."
"Am I gonna get an explanation?" I felt like I was going to cry. I choked down my tears.
"Can you just find it in your heart to trust me on this one? He said.
I took two deep breaths.
"Am I going to regret this?" I said slowly.
"Probably." He said.
And that fixed it all for me. That was all it took.
"So is that a yes on a second chance?" He said hopefully.
"Definitely yes." I smiled like a 5 year old kid who had just gotten a new toy.
A car honked twice.
"That's my dad. I better go"
I turned around and started walking towards my dad's red truck.
My dad opened the door for me and then smiled to Scott which i thought was nice of him. I smiled at Scott through the window. He looked a bit sick, but then after yesterday, I wouldn't doubt it.
I went home and started on some homework. I just couldn't stop asking myself why I had said yes to Scott. He messed up big time, with no explanation. And I gave him a second chance so easily.
Maybe it was the start of a little more than 'like'...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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