Missing his siblings-3

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The heavenly officials soon caught wind of Hua Ying being adopted by Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. They started showering him with gifts and love as he was now an official prince. And while meddling with mortals was forbidden they didn't mind this little boy. Especielly since he seemed to take a liking to everyone, no matter who it was or how powerful or rich they were. 


Time skip: 3 months later

The little boy healed very fast and soon he could run around and play again. He still felt that he missed his shijie, who was very nice and always stood and took care of him. He also missed his shidi, who even if he were mean and rude always played with him and stood up to other diciples for him. Heck, he even chased dogs away from him. The bad people were only Madame Yuu and Jiang Fengmian.

(Quick note: It wasnt mentioned earlier but Jiang Fengmian also abused him even tho it wasnt that often, he would also occasionally let him starve)

-"A-ying? Are you okay, you look very deep in thought?" Xie Lian asked.

(They were currently in the ghost city)

-"This one is okay baba."

-"Okay then baobei, are you gonna continue playing or do you wanna go to bed?"

-"Im k-kinda sleepy."

-"Okay then, go to bed and i will clean up for you."

-"Thank you b-baba."

A-Ying went to bed and Xie Lian was cleaning up his toys. He was worried because Hua Ying still stutters sometimes and he shouldn't because his throat his fully healed. 

Hua Cheng was happy because the Ghost City and the Heavenly Capital had accepted Hua Ying as their prince  and they treated him with utmost care. That was really because everybody liked him and he liked everybody. He treated them all the same, with care and respect. He was really just like his baba. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big time skip: 9 months later 

It had been over a year since he was found by Hua Cheng and Xie Lian and he was now a strong and healthy 8 year old boy. They happend to be in Yunmeng and were walking around on the market when two children pounced on Hua ying and he was caught off guard.

(Yes, they know that it was the Jiang sect who did all those horrible things to him but it was actually on his request that they traveled there) 

-"A-xian!" the little girl said.

-"Wei Wuxian!" the little boy shouted. 

-"Shijie? Cheng Cheng?"

-"We missed you so much!" the little girl exclaimed.

-"Uhm, excuse me but, who are you?" Xie Lian said in confusion.

The kids got up and bowed to the two adults in front of them.

-"Im Jiang Yanli of the Jiang sect."

-"Im Jiang Wanyin of the Jiang sect."

Hua Cheng and Xie Lian shared a look of confusion. Didn't the Jiang sect abuse Hua Ying? Why were he so happy to see them. They looked at their son with a questionble look and wanted him to explain.

-"Baba, A-die, this is my shidi and shijie."

Now they understood. He would often talk about them and how nice they were to him. He also talked about how much he missed them.

-"Young Yanli and young Wanyin, would you like to join us for a cup of tea?" Xie Lian said.

-"Sure Mister." Yanli said.         



This is a very short chapter and im sorry for not updating for so long. Im gonna see if i can write some more chapters since i am sick and have a lot of free time.

Word count: 593 


Also please notify me if i should change a word or spelled something wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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