Love in Shadows

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A/n: My personal experience.


I was lost in my pain, blinded by tears,
Unaware of his heart, and all that he beared.
He stood by me, through every strife,
Asking how I was, with a caring life.

But when he hurt, he didn't say,
His pain was hidden, day by day.
He put mine first, selfless and true,
Never seeking sympathy, even when he was down in the blues

Now apart, with new faces around,
I see the signs, of hurt unbound.
I realize now, what I couldn't see,
Just like them, he was hurting too, silently.

His selflessness taught me to care,
To ask others, if they're okay and to share.
A lesson learned, though late in sight,
To see the pain, in another's night.

A/n: I was drowning in my own tears, suffocating under the weight of my pain. He stood by me, a rock of comfort, always asking how I was, always there to listen. I thought I was the only one broken, the only one bleeding. But now, looking back, I realize he was hurt too - his eyes would dim, his smile would falter, and his words would soften when he thought I wasn't looking. But he never said a word, never sought sympathy or comfort for himself. He kept his pain locked away, hidden behind his unwavering support for me. I was so consumed by my own agony that I didn't see his, didn't feel his silent struggles. He put me first, always, and I didn't even notice. It's only now, with distance and clarity, that I see the depth of his selflessness, and my heart aches with regret for not seeing him, truly seeing him, when I needed him most.

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