Coffee or Me?

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Hermione Granger, a professor in one of the prestigious schools in London, never saw love as one of the important things in life. Ever since she could remember, her love only involves her books, the library and her daredevil friends. She never look at men in a way of romance. Women may be but she never acted on it. Hiding behind her books as she admire them.

But now, she couldn't believe what she just heard.

And saw.

"Excuse me?" She asks in disbelief. Eyes wide open and lips parted.

"I zaid, well azk, if mademoiselle will marry me?" A blonde with ocean-blue eyes asked with a bright smile on her face. The blonde has a heavy accent which Hermione can tell that the woman's first language is not English. She can assume the blonde's first language is French due to her accent.

Hermione couldn't comprehend the question directed at her. She was just having coffee at her favorite coffee shop, rereading one of her favorite books, when the blonde with beautiful ocean-blue eyes suddenly sat at the empty chair adjacent to her, smiled at her and asked her hand for marriage. Her book practically slipped through her fingers, landing on the table with a loud thud and shook the table along with her tall mug of coffee.

She was surprised not only because the woman proposed to her, but also because she has seen and crushing on the woman ever since she stepped in the coffee shop. It was the reason why she was even staying more than an hour at the coffee shop.

Hermione first saw the blonde come in the coffee shop when one of her friends, Luna Lovegood, treated her for coffee after a tough midterms week. It was hard making sure no one cheated during her test –she couldn't understand why they even think of cheating on such easy test– so in the end she needed to unwind. And when they were staying at the coffee shop, hands cradling a warm cup of caramel macchiato, her chocolate brown eyes caught a glimpse of a blonde by the counter. At first she did not care about the said blonde, but when she saw her turn around, her breath hitched and eyes focused on the blonde smiling sweetly after she finish her order.

After that day, she have been coming to the coffee shop, hoping to see the blonde beauty again. Different times, different days. She checked every day; before classes, during lunch, after her work, and even during weekends, just to catch a glimpse of the blonde. Her efforts were not in vain since she was able to learn the blonde's routine.

From then on, she's been a regular of the coffee shop. Being there thirty minutes before the blonde comes in. Open a random book while drinking her coffee and glimpse at the blonde.

She's been doing it for two months. And with those two months, not once was she caught by the blonde.

Until today that is.

"I heard you the first time." Hermione picked up her book that laid on the table, spread open, and closed it properly. She took a deep breath and eyed the blonde with ocean-blue eyes, smiling at her like she won the lottery. "Are you out of your mind?"

The blonde's smile did not falter. "Excusez-moi? No, I am not. I am serious, ma chérie. I want to marry you." She said, smiling dashingly at her. "Eef you are worried about support, I can assure you 'zat I can fully support you. I 'ave enough to give you a luxurious life." She nodded, proud of what she can offer to Hermione.

Hermione's speechless. She met a few people who are very much confident in their asset. Shoving their riches, fame and even achievements to her face. Just to show they deserve her. But the blonde...


"Amazing? Outstanding?" The blonde continued, her smile never dropping. Hermione was amazed ath how the blonde was overconfident to even say those things. "I accept suc' praises, ma chérie, but none can compare to you. So, will you accept my proposal?"

The brunette was left baffled at the blonde. Questions after questions left her lips, questioning why, how and even who the blonde is to lay out such sudden proposal.

"Who I am? My name eez Fleur Delacour of 'ze Delacour Foundation. Current president, mademoiselle." the blonde named Fleur winked at Hermione. "'ow did I propose? Well I just said it to you. It saddens me 'zat I was not kneeling or offering a ring, but I can remedy 'zat once you say yes." She nodded at her idea of buying a ring once the brunette agreed to her proposal. She then reached out to hold Hermione's right hand and squeezed it affectionately. Her eyes, confidence glimmering, softened as she looked at their intertwined fingers. "W'y? Because ma chérie, I 'ave fallen for you 'ze moment you 'ave been stalking me in 'zis café."

"I am not a stalker!" Hermione defended.

The blonde's smile turned into a grin. "Eez 'zat rig't? 'mm... For 'ze past two mon'zs, you 'ave been sitting 'ere 'zirty minutes before I come in 'ze shop, and look at me. I know because I wait for you too." She stroked Hermione's hand sweetly. "I find eet very... Doux."

Using her left hand, Hermione reached for her lukewarm coffee and drank the remaining contents in one gulp. The proposal, Fleur's radiant confidence, and the warm look on her eyes. It was too much for her and her heart. It was pounding so much that she feels like her chest would burst open and her heart would jump out. She looked around, hoping to find a way to divert the sudden conversation, but everyone has their own business and none of her friends were even present.


The brunette was left with no choice. Sure she likes the blonde. If the opportunity to know the blonde, to be with her, was offered to her, she would not hesitate to accept it. Or even make a move of it. But- "Marriage!? Aren't you moving a little fast? Or I dunno, mixed marriage and asking me to be in a relationship with you?"

Fleur tilted her head in a cute manner, silently questioning Hermione's own inquiry. "No. I did not made a mistake. I want to marry you, ma chérie."

Hermione felt dizzy and raised her free hand to ask for another cup of coffee. The question was more stressful than her students. And the best way to deal with stress is to have coffee.

"Eef you really need me to revise my question... 'Zen, Coffee or Me?" Fleur once again asked, face showing a wide dashing smile.

The smile was enough for Hermione's last string of sanity to break. The way Fleur smile was enough for her to feel like puddle. With the dazzling smile, Hermione did not expect for her lips to move on its own.


[Harry Potter AU- Fleurmione] Coffee or Me?Where stories live. Discover now