~Chapter 1~

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*Niall’s POV

I felt something warm and soft touching my temple, my eyes fluttered open and I rolled over stretching out all of a sudden I hit something firm with my foot, it was followed by a small yelp I sat up, “Lou, what are you doing here, it’s 4:30am” I whispered, he gave me a mischievous look “come on lets go in the pool it‘s our last morning before tour rehearsals start this afternoon” I rubbed my eyes and nodded slowly, I slipped off my pyjama pants and shoved on my trunks, I turned round to see Louis with his eyes wide “What?” I asked a little confused, Louis just shook himself out of it and grabbed my hand. We ran down the stairs and out onto the patio before another small stairway and fresh green grass, we broke free of hands and. “Lou you dickrash” I yelled  shaking my head frantically to try and dry off a bit “It doesn’t matter Nialler baby, your getting in anyway” “who says I am” I folded my arms in a fake strop and waited for him to swim closer before doing a cannonball , water flew everywhere, I clapped childishly as Louis splashed about. I swam over to him and embraced him in a hug “I love you” his warm breath tickled my ear making me wriggle “I love you too Louis” I pecked his cheek, we swam around throwing the rubber frogs that had been left in the pool last night, when suddenly Louis stopped “What‘s wrong Love” I asked tilting my head “it’s been 4 months can’t we tell Harry , please, he’s my best friend, he’ll understand” he looked with pleading eyes “Look Louis, if it was my choice we could shout it from the rooftops, but it’s not” I looked at his eyes which were now filled with tears. “It’s only Harry, he‘s not going to tell” one tear escaped from his left eye, I took my thumb and wiped it away “How about this, we tell all the boys, yeah, we can do it tonight over dinner? then I've got us an extra special anniversary treat” A weak smile fell upon his face, “Thanks Niall, I love you so freaking much baby” our lips crashed together as we went under the warm water, sparks flew and fireworks exploded, it felt just the same as our first kiss, it always does, I’ve never lost the feeling, when I'm with him I know exactly who I am and I'm not afraid to be myself. We eventually came up for air “That was perfect” I panted, “You’re perfect” Louis beamed causing my to blush a little, “I’m not” I sighed “You’re the perfect one” I continued. It was true, I was just some fat ugly boring pig, Louis he was perfect, funny, hot, kind, friendly, the perfect figure, he was my everything!

*Louis POV

“Lou your phones ringing” Harry yelled “I’ll be 10 minutes tell them I'll ring them back” I rinsed out the shampoo from my hair and turned off the shower stepping out, into the cold air which gave me goosebumps, I took my feet from the towel on the floor and stepped onto the heated tiling, drying my body and wrapping Niall's green towel around my stomach. I unlocked the door and headed towards my bedroom, I towel dried my hair as much as possible before slipping on a red & white spotted t-shirt and dark blue jeans, I reached over and flipped on the hairdryer , running a hairbrush through to style it, I grabbed some Vaseline and shoved my finger inside before rubbing it gently along my cracked lips. I got downstairs and jumped onto the sofa beside Niall and grabbed my phone. After a few rings they picked up.

(Black = Louis, Blue= Katie Ray) For some reason the colours aren't showing so I'll put K/L


L) Hello , who is this

K) This is Katie Ray from Modest

L)Oh hi Katie what’s up

K)The events organizer is off ill so I've been told to tell you We’re adding some extra dates to your tour I’ll email you the details

L)Okay Bye!

K)Ciao Lou”

I put down the phone glad the conversation was over. "Ciao darling" I squeaked  "Was it Katie Ray then?" Zayn said "How did you guess" I replied sarcastically "Couldn't be cause she says ciao all the time" we both laughed before Liam cut us off "Hey guys, leave it out" Zayn slapped him playfully "She's a stuck up bitch and you know it" Zayn scoffed  I was giggling silently when I was interrupted by a soft hand on my shoulder “What did she want” Niall asked quietly, “She was telling me we’ve got some extra dates for the tour” I smiled gazing into his beautiful blue eyes, we sat and watched TV for a bit with Liam & Zayn while Harry finished cooking, “Good first rehursal wasn’t it boys” Liam said excitedly “Yeah” we all replied, well except Niall, I can tell when something’s bugging him, “We’ll talk about it later” I whispered to him when Zayn & Liam were distracted by some advert. He nodded in response a weak smile broke across his face. I really wanted to kiss him, but I settled for a little squeeze , I snuggled down and got comfortable my eyelids growing heavy.

“Dinner is served” A booming voice caused me to open my eyes with a start, I got up and headed to the table. I looked towards Niall and he looked back we sat down together, and I took his hand from under the table “Ready” I asked “Ready” he replied. We both stood up still hand in hand. I cleared my throat and began “Now before we start eating Niall and I have an announcement to make” I looked down and he squeezed my hand before taking over, his gorgeous Irish tones flooding through me. “There’s something really important we need to tell you” I looked Harry in the eyes, he was sort of in another dimension as usual but that’s just Harry, he was staring into space but still in the room, like a half daydream. I swallowed hard “Well we think it’s time you know that Myself and Niall, we’re” I looked to him he tapped my hand 3 times with his finger “together” we said in unison. I looked to him smiling and he pulled me in squeezing my tight “I’m so proud of us baby” I whispered kissing his ear.

 Everyone fell silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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