Chapter 1 : A Brave Soul

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More years had passed since she started her hobby which was quite a bit of an interest among a few aristocrats and children overseas as well as in Silerain Bowthes, now at the age of 23 years old, Coulette was able to find a student from Dolphin Seal High School who was willing to manage her shop and look out for it for the past two years whenever she wasnt around despite the salary which seemed to be enough as spending money.

"ring ring" The door bell rang as a young boy entered about the age of that of a 4th year high school student who entered through the door "Glad your back safely, Aron since it has been more and more dangerous around these areas of town" greeted a fine lady coming out of the door by the counter while wiping her hands full of clay with a table clothe "are you sure, your parents wont mind you coming here all by yourself? you know, you could always find a better place to work with rather than this shady old place" the woman suggested as she placed aside the towel infront of the counter before rearranging some of the items in the nearby display case "you dont have to worry about a thing, Miss Coulette, besides i like working here" Aron chuckled while making his way to the counter after closing the door "and seeing Miss Coulette's smile" Aron whispered in a very low voice which lead Coulette to standing up "Did you say something, Aron?" She asked, leaning on the counter top just infront of Aron's face. Seeing as to how close Coulette was to himself, Aron looked away trying to find the right words until he noticed the clothe on the counter top with mud stains "Working on a new doll, Miss Coulette?" Aron asked trying to change the subject as he walked behind the counter beside Coulette while staring at the open back door to notice a victorian dressed doll sitting on a desk "oh, you mean that?" She asked "actually, its a new order, a birthday pressent for a noble's daughter in france" Coulette informed him "Thats-" Aron was suddenly brought to a pause by a shout coming from outside of the shop "what was that?!?" Coulette asked before noticing that Aron had quickly gone out of the shop, aspiring her to follow since she was worried that the boy might get hurt if left alone.

Coulette ran off following Arons back when suddenly noticing that he had made a quick turn towards a corner where voices of men could be heard "w-wait!" she yelled faintly and almost out of breath before she was almost hit by a flying body of a guy. Luckily, she was fast enough to take a step back causing the body to smash onto some cardboard boxes.

Afraid, Coulette peeked to see what was happening but she was surprised to see Aron surrounded by shady drunken men "Aron, look out! " Coulette yelled where Aron quickly turned to face a knife which was swung at him, due to Coulette's warning, Aron was only left with a slight cut on his right cheek after grabbing the mans hand, tightly forcing the man to loosen his grip on his knife and receive a punch on the face. The other men started to charge too but Aron was to flexible for the drunkards to hit so one by one the men dropped to the cold stoned floor "STOP! before i blow this girls head off!" someone yelled with a shaking voice.

Aron turned his head, just to see Coulette teary face with a gun pointed at her by one of the drunkards "A-aron..." Coulette squeeked. Aron was left with mouth, speechlessly wide open as he couldnt do anything but just look at the man laugh at Arons reaction "what?! aint so tough now, are we" the man laughed again as he slowly paced himself away from Aron while still pointing the gun at Coulette. Aron just helplessly look at the scene infront of him until the man had suddenly shouted in pain, letting loss of his hold on Coulette "Miss Coulette!" Aron yelled quickly running towards Coulette while the man was still preoccupied by the pain.

Coulette on the other hand, couldnt believe how fast everything was happening but what was more confusing was why the man had suddenly shouted. She then noticed a young boy biting at the mans leg "Why you little brat!" the man yelled, pointing his gun at the young boy which frightened Coulette greatly for the boy's safety and out of reflex, she quickly jumped to take the boy away from the gun's aim but the man was able to shot one bullet before Aron was able to land a kick on the mans head, knocking the man out.

"Is everybody, okay?" Aron sighed as he looked at Coulette and the boy's direction "yes, we're okay" Coulette replied as she helped the crying boy to his feet who suddenly ran, hugging onto Aron by the leg "sorry, im really sorry" the boy sniffed and cried. Looking at the two, Coulette was able to slightly guess what the boy's relation with Aron. Despite the event just now, Coulette just smiled as she stepped closer to the two, kneeling down, she patted the boy's head "its alright now, everythings fine.. no ones gonna hurt you anymore" Coulette tried to reassured the boy who slowly stopped crying but was still shaking out of fear.

Coulette then stood up and looked at Aron who seemed worried "Aron" hearing his name being called, Aron flinched "you dont mind taking this boy back home, would you?" Coulette requested but seeing as how troubled Aron was, Coulette just smiled "dont worry ill be fine on my way back to the store, whats important now is to get that child some rest..." she assured him but Aron was not convinced "i guess... i really should be walking you back to your place, Miss Coulette, im sure my brother wont mind a short walk" Coulette could see that Aron had already decided but her gaze has trailed off to the young boy, who nodded as soon as their gazes met.

With this, Coulette finally agreed, to let the two walk her back "ill be fine from here on" Coulette suggested, seeing as to how close the store was from their location "okay" Aron nodded with a bit more relief now than earlier. Coulette knelt down to look at the young boy who was clutching onto Arons pants "thank you for earlier, you were really brave" she said and kissed him on the forehead before standing up to face Aron "thank you also, Aron" she said but hearing this didnt please Aron, seeing as how useless he was earlier. Coulette could clearly see Arons dissapointment in himself "Aron... though you may not think of it... you also saved my life so thank you" Coulette smiled which also allowed Aron to place a small smile on his face "we can talk this over tomorrow, for now... we should all be heading home..." both had agreed to Coulettes statement "well then, take care, you two" Coulette said as Aron replied "you too, miss Coulette". With everyone say their farewells, the two boys went on their way while Coulette waved goodbye before entering her shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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