evil queen

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The torches flickered, casting eerie shadows on the cold stone walls of the dungeon. Sir Edward, once a trusted knight, now hung suspended by heavy chains, his wrists and ankles raw and bleeding. Before him, the Queen paced with an unnerving grace, her velvet gown rustling ominously.

"You were always my favorite, Edward," she said, her voice as sweet as poisoned honey. "I had such... hopes for you."

He gritted his teeth, refusing to beg. "You're a monster," he spat. "The people suffer while you bathe in luxury."

The Queen's laughter echoed off the walls, a chilling melody. "Oh, Edward. You never did understand. The people need a queen who shines brightly, a star to adore from afar."

She stopped pacing and fixed him with a gaze that made his blood run cold. "I've always known of your little rebellion, your pathetic attempts to take my throne. But you... you were different. I thought you had the potential to be more than just another fleeting infatuation."

Sir Edward strained against his chains, fury burning in his veins. "You'll never be the ruler this land needs!"

"Silence!" Her voice cracked like a whip, and for an instant, the mask slipped. Beneath the painted-on sweetness, something grotesque and ancient peered out, making his heart stumble. "You should have stayed loyal, Edward. Now... now you'll see the true face of your queen."

As she raised her hands, her fingers elongated, the nails sharpening into claws. Her skin turned a sickly shade of green, and her eyes burned with an otherworldly hunger. Sir Edward screamed, but his voice was drowned out by the Queen's cackling laughter.

And as the transformation took hold, as the monster beneath the mask emerged, Sir Edward realized he was not the only traitor in their midst... The Queen's laughter grew louder, a deafening roar that consumed all, and Sir Edward's world went black.

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