Chapter 1

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Andy's POV

I climbed up the wired fence as fast as humanly possible, jumping over the spiked top of it, ripping the bottom of my orange prison trousers I was forced to wear.

I fell to the ground on my knees with a grunt, Then rolled off of my back and jumped up, not wasting time I broke into a sprint.

After about a solid 20 minutes of running I heard a faint dog barking in the distance and cursed under my breath. I looked behind me for a split second then slipped and my body came crashing onto the floor. I landed on my side and heard a sickening crack. I almost screamed out in pain, but then remembered my situation.

I groaned quietly in pain and grabbed onto a branch of a tree by the side of me to pull myself up. I could hear the sound of dogs barking getting louder, meaning they were getting closer. With this in mind I felt my adrenaline pump through me and ignoring the pain in my side, I starting running again.

No matter what I wouldn't let them catch me, I wasn't going to let them lock me up again to rot.

After a good hour of running I couldn't hear anything behind me anymore and collapsed, my lungs greedily sucking in air as I panted. My clothes were sticking to my sweating body and I could barely move anymore from being so exhausted. I ran a hand through my damp with sweat long hair and just laid on the side of an empty road, my chest heaving painfully and my side aching. It hurt to breath and I was sure I had broken some ribs.

After I'd caught my breath I stood up again, wincing at the pain in my side then looking around where I was. There was a sign a little further down the road and I hobbled to it. It said something about a city being a mile away and I took a deep breath then started walking, painfully.

I took off my orange baggy top, showing the grey vest underneath it and threw it into a ditch the side of the road.

Ashley's POV

I pulled my jacket closed and walked quickly with my head down. I'd just been out drinking with my boyfriend, CC and now had to walk home by myself in the middle of the night.

Everything was eerily silent and it made me extreamly nervous. I stopped when I saw somebody cluched onto their side and having difficulty walking infront of me. Usually I would help the person, but right now it was 3am, I was tipsy and the streets were completely empty, but I had no choice I had to pass them.

I took a deep breath and caught up to them pretty easily. Y'know what I can't just walk past somebody who needs help. I need to at least ask if they are okay.

"Uhm, excuse me, but are you okay." I asked softly once I was right behind them.

They jumped and turned around then groaned in pain and clutched their side again.

"Just peachy." His low voice snarled, making me take a step back.

I suddenly had a really bad feeling about this man and I needed to get away quickly.

I quickly walked by the man and could feel his eyes burning holes into my back as I practically ran away from him.

I slammed the front door of my small house shut and fumbled with the lock. That man gave me a bad feeling and it still lingered. I caughed my breath, still lent on the front door, before I made my way to the couch. Despite it being late I wasn't tired. Even though I knew I'd regret it in the morning I decided to stay up.

I used the remote to turn the TV on and started watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory that I had recorded.

When it ended I changed the channel onto the local news and was immediatly off put by what the headline was.

'Criminal escaped from local prison. People advised to stay inside.'

A mugshot appeared on TV and I scanned the face thoroughly. Long black hair, blue eyes and pale skin.

I started listening to what the woman on the TV said.

'-He is highly dangerous and is capable of anything. If you see this man call the police immediately and stay away.'

I heard a noise from behind me and spun around quick. I breathed a sigh of relief. It was just my dog. I made my way over to him and picked him up in a hug.

Suddenly the TV shut off and I turned around to see a smirking face.

Oh shit.

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