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Tirk pov

When I wake up it's almost six , I misted jade her two a clock bottle , I look at Jay,  he sounds asleep , I look at my phone and open the camera , he has bin given her the milk , he sits in the rocking chair with her , he kisses her head and I can't hear what he says , I had the sound’out that's why i didnt hear the alarm going off,  I take a quick shower before she wake up again , and when I brush my teeth and take my hair together , Jay is joining me in the bathroom , he limps a bit , and hugs me from  behind , goodmorning beautifull , he kisses’my neck . I turn around and he lift me on the counter , you own me daddy , I smile , I saw it , thank you , I slept true it . I was tired I think and with all the emotions . He kisd me on the mouth , don't mention it daddy , I loved doing it , she realy starts knowing me , she smiles when I feed her , maybe it don't matter who’is feeding her but I like to think  it's me she laughing to , I am sure baby , she didn't smile at Valen yesterday,  because she didn't know him’yet . I look at his chest and suck his breast . He moans and pushes my hand to his crotch , he is already semi’hard , that's what you do to me daddy , I put my legs around his waist and pull’him closer , he breaths heavy , his hands holding me on my hips , he humps against me , and I take his dick and guide it to’my ass , he don't hesitate,  i’wiper in his ear , take your chanche baby , make’it a quick one , when Jade wakes up its over . But .. now baby ..and he pushes in , it's dry but I bite my lips , he kisses me , you are so good to’me Tirk , I realise its the first time he fucks me without a condom , will’this not be a mistake , but I ignore my own feeling , i wisper , i’want it hard and quick Jay,  don't loose time , and he don't need a second word , he puls my ass on the edge from the counter ’ pushes my legs on his forarms and grabs my ass , and fucks’me hard , i’lean against the mirror , yes baby , thats it , fuck daddy .. and he breaths heavy and I feel my ass burning , he sucks my nipples , my God,  he pushes the right buttons , I moan , yes yes ..more ..and the sweat is running from’his forhead , I hold his arms , you are splitting me in two baby , your dick is feeling so good , he graons , you are doing this to me daddy , you always turn me on . He grabd  my hair , and puls it hard , I moan .. and than i hear Jade waking up , but he didn't stop , just a few seconds more daddy , work with me , and I did , I closed my eyes , my heart beats so fast , I realy love him that's why I give him what he wants , I hear Jade starting whining but I cheer him on in his ear , yeah , that's morning exercise baby , give it to your whore , show her who’is the best and he start pumping harder and harder . And he pinchd my ass when he came . I hug him , and’kiss his lips , he puls out , go to’her daddy , she needs you now,  I just put a boxer on , and head to her , what is wrong pumpkin ..you thought daddy didn't hear you?  But here i’am , papa Jay needed me first .. and she start smiling as if she understand,  I chanche her diaper and than Jay already brings the warm bottle , he kisses her on the forhead , papa Jay already warm your milk baby girl .. he smiles at me , daddy takes good care of us both . He bend over and kisd me , papa Jay he ? I blush , he heard me,  he takes’my chin in his hand , I like being papa Jay daddy . And he goes to the bathroom again , he is singing .. my God,  he is happy and he shows it . When jade is finishd , i’put her on our bed for a second , I need some thing to’wear , I saw his shirt from’yesterday and I puld’it on and went to the kitchen,  I put Jade in the carousel swing , and make coffee and juice , I take the bacon and egs and set the counter , jade is quite,  she is realy getting used to us , it's a nice baby , and when Jay is ready he comes in the kitchen , he looks fresh , limping a bit but we know why that is , my ass is sensitive to , he smirks , I hear he moans when he sits down , well baby , you need to be adaptable or you miss’out on things .he laughs loud  , we can't have that dont we daddy ?I laugh also . And we eat in silence,  Tirk ? I look up , you make’me so happy , you and jade are the most important people in my life from now on . Ohh and there is some post for you , it was in the mailbox yesterday , it is from’the hospital , nothing serious i hope ? No , no baby , it must be about jade her following up examination.  You would tell,me otherwize daddy ? I want to be involved when it concerns her and you  .ok baby , i’will tell’you if there would be something wrong . You know , it showd yesterday , i’was always used to manage with vaten and me true the years but now I can't believe I need you to take care of us , I feel,last without you . You mean that Tirk? I’look’up , i’mean it Jay,  I wouldn't say so if i didnt .you think I want to’admit my weakness if i didnt meant it ? He stands up , Thank  you for giving me that chanche daddy . You will not regret it , what are you going  to’do’Today? Well I need to unpack a few things again , Jay? Are you sure you want us living here.? I could’move in that place that you showed me before I moved here ? No’way , make’yourself at home , but we come with a lot of stuff , your place will be packed , and soon jade will crawl around , all’your expencif things will be out for her to grab , well , I already thought about that,  you are responseble for her upbringing , so you will’deal with it . I don't want to be the strict one all’the time but if she ruin things in here , you will get punishd for it . Your ass will have to pay eitherway .he smirks,  so I know he is joking , and than the doorbell rings , he opens it , and Seb is coming in , goodmorning sir he said , and than he saw me , Tirk ? You live here ? I said hi Seb , yes ,i’live here . Ohh I didn't know that , and he saw Jade , oww what a beautiful baby sir , she looks’like’you and he bend true his knees , those eyes .. I get all’red, she is ... but Jay just says ’ thank you Sébastien,  she is beautiful I know . So he turned to me , you are the babysit ? I don't know what to’say , but Jay said , you are no longer  a police man in uniform Sébastien , no need to investigate the situation here , I am sorry sir , i’didn't mean to and than Gino also steps in the kitchen , what all this ? His eyes meet mine , and Jade her mouth is grimacing , she wants to cry , Jay picks her up , it's alwright baby girl , it's uncle Gino ,I wait what he will do or say , well we met yesterday,  and she maybe not think the best of me , he opens his arms and takes Jade over , i’want to yell , not him .. but he turns to me , i’am sorry about jumping the wrong conclusions yesterday Tirk , my brother and Rhoda were very angry about the way I behaved with you , sorry again .I nod , i’am not sure if he is honest?  Is this just to make Jay content ? I don't know , Gino this is Sébastien,  he works for me , you will’see him,regularly , Seb for friends he shakes Gino his hand . I can feel some tension , is Gino gay to ?or maybe also bi , I know seb is , but this is suprizing . We need to go now sir , they expect you in the town hall , I know , he kisses Jade on her cheek and than he pecks’my lips , I blush , but he ignores it . I kiss him back . When he left Gino is still’standing with jade in his arms,  he hands her to’me,  I realy want to’apologize to you Tirk , i have no good excuse for my behavior,  i’am sorry that I made you feel awkward,  but i’was maybe a bit jealous , Jay never liked some one so much that he would’let them live in my place ,but he told me I could leave  if i acted the way I did with you . So I hope’we can start again ? I nod , if you mean it i’will give you another chanche ’ but never touch my baby without my consent anymore . If I see that you are realy honest about your feelings than I will allow you . I see him smile , ok , fair anough . But I wouldnt harm her Tirk , she is a baby doll , how may i’ask you became a dad ?you are gay ? Yep , it's just a one night stand result and I don't regret that she is the result,  it's the best thing that ever could happen . Yeah that and meeting my brother , I look questioning at him , believe it or not Gino , you brother came to me one day ,I wasn't looking for him , i’didn't know him at all , and Jade came later ,but i dont want to justify myself , you think what you want . Well I think you workd things out very quickly,  you think when he marry you and adopt jade she will get all his heritages , what ? It never came up in my mind , so’thats it , you are afraid you will not get his money and assets ?showing your real face . He went all red and went back in the appartement.  I was realy upset . I want to’call Jay but I know he is in a meeting , and than i saw the letter,  my hands shake when i’open it , I fall’on the stool , it said , that jade is 99,99’% my daughter , I start crying , I knew ’  she is his , it shows everyday more and more , I said’it was my hair so he will not find  out , he will take her away from’me , he has the money to win from,me if it comes to’it , I need to calm down .. I smirk , well Gino ,she will get his heritage anyway . I look at her , I love her , and now that I know she is his,  even more if that possible   She is a part of him , my God,  I am trapped . I can't run away . I had to’do that the  moment I suspected this , now there is no’way back , Seb also’said she lookd like him , he thought he was the father , people will notice more and more . I’took my phone and put the recording from yestarday evening on with sound loud and watch him feeding her last night , he kisses her head and than he says , yeah it's me baby girl’our daddy is still asleep , he came back to’me , i’love him , and I love you , I can't loose him’or you . My’life means nothing without you two , my God,  he loves me to ? He confesd his’love for me and her to his daughter , I  breath deep in and out , my ears are buzzing , I can't believe it , but all the signs are there . What shall i’do ? Maybe he is wurth the risk of breaking my heart.  If i dont give it a chanche i will never know , I prefer this than not know my whole’live what love is , he don't need to find’out she is his . I’will need to’keep it a secret a bit longer ,
When Rhoda arives she hugs me , and take Jade in her arms , he got you back , i’am so happy about it , me to’Rhoda,  thank you for your love , who can't love you and her ? I hesitate , I think Gino doesn't.  Give him’time,  he isn't that bad , you know him and jayden are ritch and he kind of protect his brother , protect for what ? I don't want anything from him , he came after me , I didn't knew him before ,he and his friend paul showed up in the place I workd and I only found out later he was the owner , I never heard his name before.  Why is everyone thinking I made a pass at him , it was the other way around , I didnt liked him at the start,  I saw how he drunk and screwd around , he wasn't on my list  Is he now son ? I blush , she smiled at Jade,  so you do ?well I think you are the best that ever could happen to him  .you and jade , she kisd her on the forhead , she realy has the same eyes than him , so’this is a match made in heaven . Rhoda,  calm down , we didn't talk  about love between us , I had my doubts , but when he cald me yesterday and opend up I felt the butterflies , well ’ he dropd everything the moment I told him about what happend , he maybe don't realise yet but he loves you to , watch my words , be a bit more patience son , he will turn around . I am sure . I smile . We keep hoping Rhoda.  Now I will go to the park with Jade , i need to chanche her diaper and than we get out of your way . I don't mind you being around Tirk , don't leave for’my sake , act like you are at home,  make yourself comfortable . Thank you Rhoda i’was a bit worried about that yes , but tell’me’if you want us out of the way , we are flexible,  and I can  help if you’let me,  I will clean our bedrooms , i’take care of the laundry and sheets and so on , you have already anough to do , you can always look after Jade if you feel,like it , but i dont want gino I her neighborhood . What happend between you two?  Didn't he apologize? Yes he did,  but  I need a bit more time to trust him . Yeah,  he has that effect on people . Intimidating,  and mean . But if you get to know him he isn't that bad , he just don't trust many people . I’am fine Rhoda , but don't let him take Jade anywhere . She lookd questioning but i ignored it . I made up,my’mind about him . I pickd the boxes back out of the basement and put the clothes in her closet , I put stuffd animals in her room , the carpet and lego , he bought her outfits for 3 months , a coat ? My God,  he thinks of everything . He becomes a great dad.  When Jade took’her afternoon nap I changed our sheets and cleand the bathroom , and than i went to the kitchen , Rhoda was ironing , she had to do a lot of shirts from jayden , you can cook if you want Rhoda,  I will finish this .you can iron ?shirts ?yes ,I always had to’do it myself,  my parents died young and my brother was only 11 , so I was just eighteen and had to take care of us two . Leave it to me , or you want to ? I can cook also , son you are a dream .just a roast and salad plate will’do’Today,  we eat cold meet with the vegetables plate this evening  I need to’train for my fight next saturday . A modern daddy . I smile’at her , and we talkd about all kind’of things , I found’out her children live far away and she didn't see them in a year , why not ? I’don't have the money , and if I fly over there I want  to stay a few weeks , but I dont have savings and Mr Prado needs me , Rhoda , when did you took the last time’off ? She hesitate , with new year I had a week but thats all . I like’working for jayden , he leaves everything to me , I can manage when I do what , I know the drill by now , I work’already 15 years for him , so he is like family.  I needed to talk with Jay about her . He could easely pay her ticket and stay . But does he ever take the time’to’talk with her ?how does she live , where ? does he know anything about her ?I try to find’out . I like ironing but he got a lot of shirts .i need to have one’of those ironing maids ,it looks a doll you blow up an than you put the wet shirt over it and it is krinkle free and smooth in half an hour .. this’must cost Rhoda a lot of time so that would be a great thing to by . Do I need to,ask him permission ? I don't think so,  so i’order one on line . He said i’could get what i’want . I sended Rhoda home as soon as dinner was pepaird .she smiled wide , I finishd his shirts just in time , I hear Jade is awake , it seems she isn't crying immediately anymore , she just lookd around till’she get bored, it gives me time to’put the ironing board away , and I hang his shirt in his dressing , my God,  this all looks’so’tidy,  collor by collor , pants ,vests .it all’is sorted .is this Rhoda her work’?or his ? I look’around ,’the bedroom looks fresh , the bathroom is hygienic clean , I can see Rhoda is doing so much around the house ,and now with us living here to she don't even complain .
When he came home he didn't seem in a good mood , I ignored it and askd about how his day went ? He looks at me , the same as always Tirk , problems to be solved , he turnd to jade , how was your day  baby girl .? Did you go’out ? She smiled at him,and took his dinner,  so adorable,  I will chanche in something comfortable and than we can eat Tirk , ohh it's Tirk today , I bite my lips .when he comes back he says , why did Rhoda hangd my shirt in the dressing ? I always do it myself ..she must have a good day , the bathroom shines I almost need to wear sunglasses in it and the bedroom is also clean .ohh that's why she only made a cold,plate , is that our dinner ? My God,  he is whining since he came home . It wasn't Rhoda that hangd the shirts away , it was me , I did all you mentioned,  and I said to make the cold plate because I need to’train  this evening or did you forget ? He looks up .?so while you need to sport ’ I need to’eat this cold plate ? I nod , I thought it was ok ? He didn't answer , so you cleand and ? When did you take Jade for a walk ? You dont need to work in the house that's why I have Rhoda.  Well , i’didn't had a walk’with her , I didn't think I was doing something wrong . So , I need to babysit today ? I thought we agreed on that before? Before what ? Before you run away ? Ohh , I..... its fine , you can go , I look bewilderd , he didn't let me finish my words . We eat in silence, i forgat all day about what Gino’said this’morning , but this behavior reminded me of it . I will not go today , I will go’true the day tomorrow,  I can take Jade.  I don't know what to’do now , I live here but where can I get out of his way . This is not going to work . I know everyone has a bad day from time to time but bringing his bad mood home , I don't like it , I dont want to worrie all’day how’his’mood will be when he comes home , so , I clean the kitchen counter and take Jade with me to her room , here I sit , in the rocking chair feeling awfull , no’place to’hide , no privacy , he and his brother just want me’out . I look around , but I know running away again isn't the answer . I need to sterilize her bottles and make some  new bottles , I need to’make’it a bit more stronger , I lookd at the scheduale they gave me in the maternity,  that reminds me I have an appointment next week to .. he is watching TV when I start the bottle thing , jade is lying in her maxi cosy playing with her own fingers , I like watching her , and than his brother walks in , he scans the room and sees Jay in the living room and takes’place next to him .you want to go’for a drink some where  Jay?  He hesitate I can hear it , I can't,  I need to babysit tonight , what ?you need what ?so’this whore of yours has you on a leash ?where is he going ? Meeting one of his lovers?   I don't wait for his answer , and take Jade and a bottle with me , you can go with him chief , I am not going out today . He don't even look at me , I took my time to put Jade to bed , and when she slept , i’sat in the chair and thought about my situation.  But I didn't had a place to’run to , i’was depending on his hospitality.  I sighnd the contract , I need to stay five years his’mistress. When I dont hear anything  anymore,  I head to the kitchen again , he left with Gino , he realy did ? I start crying , I never cried as much as lately , but than I feel his arms around me from behind , he holds me tight , i’am sorry about the way my brother talkd about you Daddy , I struggle to get free , but he don't give in , I am sorry the way I behaved when I came home , and ... I hold my hand up .don't bother jayden you made your point ,’your brother insulted me more than once today but I thought you didn't think the same way as him , but it seems I can't do anything good here , i’want an out . He stand straight in a second , out ?out of what ? The contract , i’don't want to’stay where I can't do anything right , this’living with you is not going to’work , I feel like I am realy a whore , you and your brother keep calling me that , and I am not . Letting you’pay my debts and my brothers studies was the biggest mistake’of my life . I’askd you about the fights I had next week and you’said you would’look after Jade,  but you act like i’didn't tell you .i’am sorry Tirk , why didn't you go training  ?I stayd here , didn't I?i’didn't go with Gino .No I got you on a leash like he said , no , no , i’didn't thought that .He is mean Jay,  all’the things he said to’me this,morning , I... well I told him to,pack his things,  i’don't want him to’talk like that about you , i’don't mind looking after Jade,  you and her are important to me , you changed my live , I had a bad day at the office and I am sorry i workd it out on you , forgive me ? I just look’sad at him , I have no other option , i’don't have another place to go.So Gino is’leaving? He hesitate to’answer , no , he left without a word , i’don't know where he is , but if he don't move out tommorow I trow him’out . Jay , he is your brother , he just dont like me and jade ,what is there not to’like about you two?  I don't understand , he never acted like’this before . Well , I know you’maybe don't want to’hear it but he acused’me that I seduced you and would’force you to adopt jade and she would get your heritage  later. What ?he said that?  Yes , I lured you into this , living here , and living from your money , not working , he has something against me . He is’maybe homofobic ? Daddy , i’don't know why he said all’those things  , I never heard him say anything like today , I asume something happend to’him , he has also the same amount of heritage like a had , he is investing the money .so he will not miss a thing when I would adopt jade one day  babhy maybe he had a relationship that ended because some one took advantage of him ? Maybe ? Why are you defending him’daddy ? He is mean to’you . I’don't know why , I am mad at him actually but Rhoda also’said he was ok , he only needed to get to know’me , I didn't go this evening because i thought you two would ended up babysitting ’ and I don't trust him with jade.  Why , did he treated you with her ? No no , may he wants her out of the way . I am realy sorry daddy , but can we try to solve this problem? Look after you left , i’was thinking to about our contract, we need to’discuss some’matters . I can understand you feel unsecure about where to go after you would leave me  , I can't leave you Jay,  i got so many debts with you and now’I can't work I can't earn money it will take’me more than five years  to pay you back . Let's sit in the living room daddy , we will sort this’out . And as always I give in .why do I love this basterd?

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