Part 1 | Wheel of Fortune

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The authoress wrote this story sleep-deprived and English wasn't the language that she grew up with so whenever you encounter passages that don't make sense or typographical errors as you read, please be more understanding and point it out in the comments so that she can fix it.

Thank you, Enjoy reading!


I was nineteen when my family, who kept me sheltered from the world, decided that I was no longer of any use to them.

I was oblivious to the decision. At first, I was sent to a boarding school. After the first semester, I was packing my belongings to go back home when an unknown middleman told me that I was not allowed to go. He said my family no longer wanted me but still had the heart to wish me well in whatever endeavor I would pursue.

After that unfortunate news, he had another thing with him; he gave me a letter. It took me a while to open it because, after I received the news, I ran away.

I hid in the courtyard near my dorm, and cried my heart out. I remembered feeling betrayed, unwanted, and worthless.

Because of my anxiety-driven stupor, I nearly threw away the letter that burned inside of my jeans pockets. If I had thrown it away, it wouldn't have mattered; the person who "owned" me would be there the next day to explain what was written in the letter.

I returned at dawn and cried myself to sleep before he knocked on my door.

"Would you mind letting me in?" The old man looked polite and regal as he stood in the hallway.

I was in disbelief, but I still moved out of the way and let the old man inside.

"So, you might already know why I'm here," he said as he slowly ran his gaze around my small room until his eyes settled on me.

I wanted to cry again at that moment because God knew what he'd do to me. So many things were running inside my mind. He probably bought me just to harvest my organs because he looked like he needed new ones or maybe to traffic me since he looks like the type to use people that way or worse.

I didn't know why, but I supposed he realized that I was in no spirit to talk to him, not after everything that unfolded. I examined him as he moved toward my desk to sit on my chair.

"You know, Adhiti..." He started. "It's unfortunate what your family did to you." He tried to find the right words, but the only thing right at that moment was the truth, or what I believed was said. "It's unforgivable, but they clearly state why they did it. I'm not here on business. You might think they sold you to be someone who serves others but you're wrong. You can freely do what you want, I won't stop you in whatever you want to do."

"How do you know what I think?" I was out of touch with reason. I was angry that for lousy money, they would give me up.

The old man looked at me empathetically. "Just think of this as an adoption. Your family can no longer support you, so I step up."

It was strange. I was an adult who was disowned by her family, even if I was sold or not, he had no obligation to take me in since I can perfectly well support myself. But because I was raised not knowing how adulthood works or how to build connections, I don't have someone to lean on when they cut me off.

I had no choice at that moment. I didn't know all my options, heck, I didn't think I had an option at all, but it was either face reality, leave everything behind, and support myself or pretend to be someone else for this old man.

"What should I call you?"

The old man gave me a small smile. "Grandpa."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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