Things begins now to change to the outpost since UNSA soldiers, Clifford's father then send some Management crew and he begins to given them further instruction to build a military in the outpost. Over 30 engineers and contstruction workers were deployed. While some soldiers are on guard duty.
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Clifford: We have least of 30 of Management crew to work on the outpost."
Clifford says while Rapi watches the Engineers and Construction preparing a camp, tools and other stuff to be needed.
Rapi: General Garrick also remind me that Mighty tools will be arriving in a minute for assistance working on the outpost.
Clifford: That's great, Rapi, the boys won't mind at all, right.
Clifford says looking at the head squad of Management crew.
James Reznov: well i don't mind at all, the boys want to see them on what they can do.
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