Chapters 3 & 4 - The Shreiker and the Closet & What Do You Want?

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Author's note-

Haha, sorry. Double chapter again.

I realized these two were pretty short by wattpad standards.

Hope you don't mind too much!

Have a lovely day, boys, girls, neither, both, or in-betweens!



Clover's goosebumps raised again, but something about this seemed strangely familiar.

She was still staring at the old closet. What a perfect place to hide! She leapt into the closet just as the sounds reached the far side of the room, behind her.

She just barely made it to the closet and swung the door closed.

Clover did her best to make little noise as she snuffed out her second candle and put it back in her bag.

She saw blue feet, transparent blue feet run by the closet.

Clover held her breath.

The noises were just outside the rickety old doors.

Only when the noises had faded did Clover run out, but she noticed that this was another attic, pitch black as the first.

She couldn't see anything, again, and the shadows were still hanging around, doing a very good job making sure that it stayed that way.

She got her snuffed-out candle and lit it with a match, but that didn't make much of a difference.

The candle only lit a small area of the attic and she had to hold it to walk around, it's weight weighing on her arm uncomfortably.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the darkness.

Clover called " anyone there?"

When there was another noise, she called

"hello?". No answer. So she tried calling one final time " you can come out, I won't hurt you!". And with that final cry, out of the

shadows appeared... another shadow?

No, it was a small black cat! It was very cute, except instead of yellow eyes, it had red ones... and they were staring right at her!  


Clover skittered back, partly because she was scared, partly out of plain surprise. She said to herself,

" Well that's not something you see every day!".

Then a voice said, "you're right, it's not.".

And then everything went black.

Clover awoke in another dark attic.

It was all the same as the last one, except for the fact that this one actually had lights on, and a person in black as dark as the shadows standing over her, muttering something under his breath.

Over and over," She's awake, she's alive".

Clover pushed herself up onto her elbows, then immediately regretted it. Her whole body felt as if it had been run over by a steamroller at high speed. In other words, flat!

She said "Who are you?".

The boy laughed. Who am I? Who am I? You should never have come to this House, Clover. That came as a shock.

"How do you know my name?!". The boy laughed again.

"Clover, everyone and everything in this house, good and bad, knows your name.".

This scared clover down to her very being. How could everyone and everything in this house know her name?

She'd only been here 15 minutes at most. Right?

Apparently not, because when she checked her wristwatch, it had been nearly 5 hours! But how?

The boy noticed her surprise and said "I guess you haven't heard about the time difference here?".

Clover responded with a sniff. "No, I haven't heard much of anything about this house. I didn't even know it existed until a few... How do I say this? Minutes? Hours? Ago."

"Well then," said the boy. "you have a lot to learn".

When they finally found the exit from the attic, it was just an old staircase. It didn't look suspicious at all.

That is, until the boy pulled a lever and the light flicked off.

"We can't let anyone or anything know that we're here," he said. Clover silently agreed that that was the best option.

Though she didn't show it, she was very scared.

She didn't know where she was, and her most reliable guide was a shadowy boy whom she didn't know even the name of.

That was the thought on her mind right when she looked around and... he was gone!

"Where did you go?" she whispered out into the shadows which were still hanging around and blotting out any light.

"I'm right here" said a voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Then the shadows parted, and she could see the boy again.

Of course! The black cloak! It had made the boy nearly invisible because the color matched the shadows exactly.

"Come under the cloak! Now, unless you want to be eaten before we even get to the first stair!" he whispered frantically. "Now!" Clover jumped into action.

She pressed right up against the boy and tried not to look scared. "So, you never did tell me your name. And what is this "first stair" thing? Are you gonna tell me or just leave me in the dark to find my own way out of this?"

Clover was almost startled at how she was speaking to the boy. True, he had just appeared and said

"Alright, follow me if you don't want to die!", flicked off the lights, left her guessing where he was, then just appeared out of thin air talking about a foreign object, but still.

Her mother had raised her to be a nice young lady, so a nice young lady was what she was going to be, even if it meant getting out of here first. And if she did find a way out, maybe, just maybe, she would bring the boy out with her.

She had just gone and gotten herself into trouble again, hadn't she? But this wasn't any ordinary trouble.

That was confirmed by the pair of large yellow eyes about a foot or so away from hers... and they were looking right into hers.


Author's note-

Hss. Ooh. I ended both chapters the same way, didn't I?

Sorry about that haha, my young mind was not what it is now and I am sure as hell not rewriting the first ones. The later chapters are better, promise!

Have a lovely day, boys, girls, neither, both, or in-betweens!



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