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It was Monday morning. 7:45am when twenty year old Jaebeom enters the senior citizen center where he has a part time job at and clocks in. After that, he grabs the clipboard where the elderly have to sign as attendance. He marks with an 'X' the ones who lost the ability to write and heads to the main room or lobby that the elderly are all watching the morning news as they wait for breakfast.

Jaebeom: "Good morning everyone! How are we today!"

They all look back at him and smile.

???: "Good morning Jaebeomah!"

Jaebeom passes the clipboard while making small talks with them.

Jaebeom: "How was your weekend Jina?"

He asks the 81 year old woman who's signing the paper in her wheelchair.

Jina: "Nothing new boy, just watching tv."

Jaebeom: "How about you Minho?"

Minho: "It was nice."

Answered the 90 year old man.

That's how all morning usually go like in the center. Jaebeom trying to lift up their spirits a bit and create conversation with them and play. The elderly go crazy with Jaebeom. They really adore him, especially the ones who never had children or grandchildren. He's like their grandchild and they love him very much.

Jaebeom has been working at the center since he was seventeen, when he started looking for a part time job to help his mother with rent and groceries. Jaebeom recently turned twenty and had enough money saved to rent an apartment and that's exactly what he did, it's been around three months since he left his home to his own space. Jaebeom childhood was very rough. His father left him when he was just four years old and his little brother was just months born. Jaebeom would wake up in the middle of the night and hear his mother's cries and that would bring tears to his eyes although he never showed it. Jaebeom's mom is a very hard-working woman, she was able to raise him and his little brother all alone and Jaebeom could not be more grateful for his mother whom he loves with everything he has. She never gave up on anything and that inspires Jaebeom to do the best in anything he sets his mind to.
Back to the center, Jaebeom was serving breakfast like how he does every morning with a huge grin on his face. He really loves his job and serves with love and kindness which is what makes him stand out. His youthful spirit really brings a source of happiness to these citizens, and mostly because he is the only teen working there. The rest of the workers are around their late thirties.

He then finishes delivering the coffee and breakfast before sitting down in the kitchen.

???: "Did you have breakfast?"

Jaebeom: "No, but it's ok Bora noona."

Bora: "Nonsense, take this."

Bora gave him some oatmeal, two pieces of bread, and a juice box."

Bora: "I know you have a big appetite so if you want more there's still left."

Jaebeom: "Noona! You're making me sound like a pig!"

Bora: "You said it, not me."

Jaebeom scoffs and she laughs.

Bora: "I'm kidding! But really, there's more if you want."

She says before leaving the kitchen.

Jaebeom chuckles and haves his breakfast. About twenty minutes later, Jaebeom is back on his feet, and joining the elderly in their next activity which is just playing board games and chit chats. He takes turns in playing with them while holding small talks. he excuses himself to go to the bathroom and when he's about to enter he sees Suzy, a sixty five year old woman who he really treasures. She has treated Jaebeom like her grandson since day one and has told him stories and advices he really cherishes. She is like his grandmother and he even calls her grandma just like she calls him 'son' as in grandson. Suzy never had grandchildren and Jaebeom has never met any of his grandparents so Suzy is like a grandmother to him.

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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