Day Eight

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For AnnMarieThrush

FunFactAboutEWU- This story only has an update when it reaches 3,500+ words or 15,000+ characters. That's why it takes me so long to update.

I woke up to the sensation of someone lifting my shirt up. Then I felt a pair of lips against my skin. Mitch was kissing near the edge of my pants. I opened my eyes to look at him. He smiled, unbuttoning my pants by tugging at it with his teeth. I'm kind of glad that I had been too exhausted last night to changed into sleepwear. I held myself up on my elbows to get a better look. He hooked his canine tooth in the hole of my zipper. He moved tantalizingly slow, the sound of the zipper descending being the loudest thing ringing in my ears. He abandoned my clothing to come whisper in my ear.

"Good morning, birthday boy." I let out a small sigh when he bit down on my earlobe.

"I'm not a boy." He laughed. I groaned as he shoved me down on the bed.

"I'll stop calling you a boy when you prove to me that you're a man." He left me on the bed. He walked out of the room, his eyes daring me to follow after him. I let out another groan. This one was of frustration though. I followed after him. As soon as I walked into the living room, I felt something slap across my face as Mitch ran away from me. I ran my fingers across my cheek. It was cake mix. I smiled at him. "What does this remind you of?" I took my shirt off so I could keep the batter from dripping down my neck.

"I don't remember. You'll have to refresh my memories." He didn't dare walk towards me. He knew I would retaliate by taking the mix off my cheek and smearing it on him. "Don't you have work."

"I got permission to come in later. I wanted to give you the first part to your birthday present." I hummed, taking a step closer. He was leaning against the arm rest of the couch.

"And what's that?" He motioned over his body. I smiled. "I only open my presents if they are wrapped in a bow." I laughed when he grabbed a ribbon off the couch. I watched as he expertly tied a bow around his neck. I came over to lift him on the couch and place myself between his legs. I shoved my cheek against his, wiping the rest of the batter between us.

"What the hell?!"

"You asked for it." He laughed, wiping the mix off with the back of his hand. He intently used my shirt to clean me up. Then he threw it out of the way.


"Well what?" His fingers ran across my skin lightly.

"Do you want your present?" He giggled as I began pulling his bottoms off. I moved away slightly to pull the rest of his clothing off. I flicked the bow.

"I don't want to open it. It's beautifully wrapped." His arms came around my neck as he pulled me between his legs.

"It can't stay wrapped forever. All you have to do is...." He made my hand grab an end of the ribbon. "Pull." He made the motion but waited for me to do it. I refused. I shoved him back and he bounced on the couch. As I moved over to join him, he moved to sit down.

He pulled me forward by my belt loops. My pants were already undone but he didn't take them off. His lips were placed on my hipbones. I watched his every movement. That was until I made eye contact. He was looking up at me with these big beautiful eyes that made it read that he was innocent. I knew he was far from that. I pushed him back on the couch, moved between his beautiful legs and pinned his arms above him.

"You're my present. Does that mean I can do anything?" He licked his lips. I took that as a yes. I pulled the ribbon off, kissing his exposed neck. He tilt his head back. It gave me more details to bite down on. The v line that disappeared into the hollow of his throat caused him to laugh when my teeth drifted across. I felt his laugh. I loved the way his body shook as his beautiful voice rang in my ears. I pulled away to look at him. His helpers were in his ears, there was a smile on his face, and a gleam in his eyes.

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