The trendsetter (teaser)

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It’s a bright, sunny morning in the village of Soohyul, where nothing ever stays a secret and everyone knows each other’s business. The cows are lazily grazing in the fields, chickens clucking, and villagers going about their chores.

But in the middle of the street, strutting with the grace of a clueless rooster, is Jungkook—the youngest son of the village chairman. He’s jobless, and honestly, not the sharpest tool in the shed, but today (everyday) he feels like he’s the most important person in the village. Well Jungkook is convinced that he’s the most handsome, most fashionable and important man in the village. He is also convinced that everyone is secretly jealous of his incredible style and look. His Only job is trying to make Himself important while doing absolutely nothing.

Today is a special day for him. He bought a new shirt last time he went to the city for a job exam but he never wore it. He was waiting for a great day.

Jungkook, in his infinite wisdom, has decided that today’s the day to debut his new shirt. It’s a bold look—at least in his mind. His hair is styled with extra care today. The bright, long blue shirt, a little too tight around his arms, is left wide open, all the buttons undone, showing off his chest. And his expensive red jeans that he has bought with 10 dollars. He’s seen this look in the city during his visits and in some magazine too, and now he’s convinced it’s the next big thing. He is convinced he is setting the latest trend in this village. Well He believes he is the trendsetter and the whole village follows his path. He walks down the street like he owns it, puffing out his chest as if he’s some kind of celebrity.

But the truth is, Jungkook looks absolutely ridiculous.

As he swaggers through the village, chest out and a proud grin plastered on his face, the villagers stop to stare. Some look confused, others amused. A few even shake their heads, muttering things like, “There goes Jungkook again,” and “Bless his heart, that boy’s not all there, is he?” The elderly, sipping tea outside their homes, have seen this spectacle far too many times to be surprised. They know that Jungkook has a unique ability to make a fool of himself without even trying.

“He’s a good lad,” one old man says, adjusting his straw hat as Jungkook passes, “but if brains were cows, Jungkook couldn’t milk one.”

“He couldn’t milk a rock!” the old woman beside him snorts, making the two burst into laughter.

Jungkook, oblivious to the snickers and side glances, walks with exaggerated confidence, believing they are praising him secretly. His head is held high, his steps a bit too bouncy, like he’s trying to imitate the walk of a city model, his ass shakes left to right, right to left as if he was walking on a run way and both hands are inside his pant's pockets.

The problem is, his shirt flaps in the wind like it’s about to take flight, and his attempts to look fashionable come off more like a toddler trying on his father’s clothes. He doesn’t know it, but to the villagers, Jungkook is like a one-man comedy show, and today’s performance is in full swing.

Up ahead, sitting by the well, is Taehyung, one of the sharpest tongues in the village and Jungkook’s favorite target of mockery—though it’s usually Jungkook who ends up getting roasted. Taehyung has been watching this walking disaster approach from a distance, and he can already tell today is going to be a good one.

Jungkook struts closer, still blissfully unaware that he’s the village’s laughingstock for the day. Taehyung crosses his arms, leaning against the well with a smirk on his face, ready to pounce.

“Well, well, look who’s blessing us with his presence! Our village peacock showing off his feathers Again!! did you just dress yourself in our country's flag? Red and blue!” Taehyung calls out, loud enough for the nearby villagers to hear. “If it isn’t the village’s fashion icon, no one can be this extraordinary! Tell me, Jungkook, are you trying to blind us with that open shirt, or is it your brain that’s on display today?"

Jungkook stops in his tracks, blinking. He glances down at his open shirt, then back at Taehyung. “It’s fashion, Taehyung,” he says, trying to sound like he knows what he’s talking about. “City people wear it like this all the time.” he speaks trying to be cool, he practice his talking style watching youtube videos.

Taehyung raises his brow. “City people, huh? I think you got confused, Jungkook. You look like you’re about to wrestle a chicken, not walk a runway.”

The villagers nearby stifle their laughter, pretending to go about their business but clearly enjoying the show. One of the women sweeping her doorstep chuckles under her breath, whispering to her neighbor, “Bless his soul, he really thinks he’s into some fashion show.”

“more like clown show,” her neighbor replies with a grin.

Jungkook puffs out his chest, trying to regain some semblance of dignity. “It’s not my fault you don’t understand high fashion, Taehyung. You’re just jealous and have zero fashion sense.”

Some girls beside them murmurs something with silent laugh while eyeing jungkook. Jungkook feels their eyes on him- but he tells himself that they are admiring him. He convinces Himself that they’re whispering about how handsome he looks and how lucky they are to see him strut through the village. But The reality is quite different.

“Jealous?” Taehyung steps forward, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Jealous of what, exactly? That you’re airing out your chest like a broken window?”

Jungkook opens his mouth to respond, but before he can say anything, Taehyung’s already coming up with a rhyme, the words flowing effortlessly, as if he’s been waiting for this moment all morning.

“Jungkook’s shirt, wide open for fun,
He Thinks he’s hot ‘cause he’s the chairman’s son,
Buttons missing, chest on show,
But where his brains are, we don’t know!"

The villagers around them burst into laughter, some nearly doubling over from the rhyme. Even the shopkeeper wiping down his stall can’t help but chuckle. Jungkook, red-faced, tries to look unaffected, but it’s hard when the entire street is laughing at your expense.

“That’s not—" Jungkook starts, but Taehyung’s already leaning closer, a smirk on his lips.

“Oh, come on, our village peacock!,” he teases, poking Jungkook’s chest where the shirt is open. “You’re practically a walking comedy.. Opps sorry fashion show. We should start charging people for watching you.”

Jungkook tries to brush him off, but Taehyung’s grin only widens. “You know, if you’re going to dress like that, at least try to make it look like you did it on purpose. Right now, it looks like you are trying to take the air out of your brain form the open buttons.”

The laughter continues as Jungkook stammers, trying to come up with a response, but his brain is too slow, and his words don’t match the quick wit of Taehyung. He finally gives up, crossing his arms in frustration, but it only makes him look more like a pouty child than the fashionable man he thinks he is.

Taehyung, seeing Jungkook’s sulky expression, steps back with a satisfied grin. “Don’t take it too hard, Jungkook,” he says, his voice softer now, though the teasing lingers. “We all need some entertainment, and lucky for us, you provide it for free.”


ungkook grumbles, still red-faced but defeated. The villagers, having had their morning entertainment, slowly go back to their chores, though the sound of chuckles lingers in the air.

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