Character relation
The boys
(Ibrahim rehman -grand father
Nabeesa rehman -grandmother)Ayaan Rehman - elder son of rehman's
Father: Ahmed Rehman
Mother: Aisha Rehman
Siblings: sarah Rehman(23)Adheel Rehman-2nd eldest son
Father:Ariz Rehman
Mother:Rasiya Rehman
Siblings : Aneesa
Rehman (30)Alisa Hesri - their aunty
Musthafa Hesri - aunties husband
Myra Hesri (25)
Tara Hesri - thier daughters (24)(Vishwanath singania- grandfather
Pathma singania -grandmother )Aarav singania - 2nd eldest son of
Father:Anirudh singania
Mother :latha singania
Siblings: Arjithsingania(30)
Aami singania(24)" viswanath singania and ibrahim rehman are friends since childhood they spend their lifes almost together leading a good friendship to last between generations to . Hence adheel ,aarav and ayaan are besfriends since they are of same age. Adheel and ayaan are cousins too "
The girls
Aina Aziz - younger one of aziz
Father : Ali aziz
Mother : jannath aziz
Siblings : noneNoorin sherif - younger one of sherif's
Father :hamza sherif
Mother :Naziya sherif
Siblings : Asad sherif (25)Leher sharma - older one if sharma's
Father : Dinesh sharma
Mother :divya sharma
Sibling :ishaan sharma(17)" mothers of these three girls where friends since highschool . Which intially made these three friends from dipers . They grew up together in all the situation "
Hey ladies
Welcome to get your mind delulued again
First of all i would like to thank you for choosing to read this story . Hope you have a good time reading
Before we start i would like to inform
you guys something1. I have seen in so many of the creaters comments be like 'you copied her story . I have read this before ' . So ladies kindly if guys feel like its a copy of someones story please dont read . I am not coping anyones work . All the senerios are from my own pretty head
2 . I am wrighiting for 1 st time so pls avoid any careless mistakes . But you can point it out too .
3. I havebbeen wrighting a story in this account but for my own mistake i accidently deleted it . And.... i forget what i was writing......
4. And character from these story is muslims execpt leher and aarav . Cause i am wrighting it based on my friend group . Feeding our own delulu 💀. Hence gentle ladies have good reading
Welcome to the delulu club 🥂
Once again thanyou for taking a look at my story
Happy reading
Love you all ❤️
Pehla Pyaar (#1)
Romance"You want me to belive your lies again " "Those were never lie's jaan " AYAAN× AINA -Second chance -Chaotic×reserved -Fmc groveling -sunshine×sunshine protector "She and me . I have never even have seen a ghostiest appearence as her's . Even in...