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In the 'Majestic University' adorned with artful sculptures and intricate designs, the Psychology Department is haven for those seeking to understand the complexities of human mind. Only a small cohort of students specializes in Psychology, creating an intimate learning Environment. They all show large diversity in this department.

In Pyschology department this year there are total of 123 new admissions of students which are then divided into 3 Sections contains 41 students in each. But what's highlighting is that on the very first day the group of 22 students- 12boys and 10girls who are known by the name - 'Pyscho couples' has been formed.

The group has following members:

Member 1 : Aisha Stenvoik, the group leader, who belongs from a big wealthy family. But even then she is alone and sad. She is not concerned about her parents as they hate her but due to society they are paying for her studies. Her step mother with her uncle are constantly forcing her to marry as she is one of the most sensual lady of the town.

Member 2 : Johny Mehra, hails from a rural area and has witnessed the impact of mental health stigma firsthand. In school he was bullied about his looks as he is very thin and short by height even though he won various medals, certificates and is very talented and smart. His accent is also very unnatural to the Urban students. He adores Aisha a lot but can't tell her about his feelings as he is afraid of loosing her.

Member 3 : Abbas Soni, who is famous for his distinct, unsettling odor, reminiscent of decay or burnt flesh. He is the absolute charmer but no one likes to sit or come near him, except Aisha who founds peace when she is around him.

Member 4 - Loyni Randhwa, a girl who only wears bridal costumes but has allergy with boys. She is only concerned about Aisha as she thinks Aisha is the only one who understands her true feelings and situation.

Member 5 : Adoni Baba, a fatty and frowning man who wants to be astrologer but due to his grandparents wish he's studying Pyschology in which he has least Interest.

Member 6 : Jaya Chachi, a married woman who wants to make her husband happy as he coincidentally got stuck with her in marriage when she was only 17 years old. For her husband happiness she has joined the college and Pyschology as a field of study.

Member 7 : Ardik Tandoi, who is the most handsome and charismatic man of college and has dated more than hundred girls but never got committed to one. He aims to use girls for his entertainment purpose, when ge gets bored, he changes the girl.

Member 8 : Koyile, a poor dirty orphaned woman who lives in street but due to government support got the admission in this prestigious college. She has feelings for ardik but as she is not wealthy and has no dressing sense she is only ignored and humilated by ardik in the group.

Member 9 : Jockie Chaan, a disable person who is the most intelligent man in the group but due to his disability never got appreciated by the fellow mates but Adoni Baba understands his potential and knows about his prosperous future.

Member 10 : Dholki Tara, a unique personality which has unpredictable nature. No one knows what runs in his mind and what he is going to do.

Member 11: Anija Mittal, the dumbest girl in the town, yet very attractive and wealthy. She has everything- family support, beauty, fame, money, connections etc. except mind. Aisha is jealous of her and thus didn't like her but due to ardik and the other fellow members she has to be friend with Anija also.

Member 12 : Astina Stellar, an old unmarried mother of two children out of which, one is adopted and the other one is out of her own womb. She doesn't know where her children are, therefore she goes in every college to find her lost children.

Member 13 : Johison ferade, an angry young man and a animal lover who deeply wants to know through Pyschology the difference between a human and animal.

Member 14 : Avinat Arfeen, a prisoner's son who wants to prove to world that he is not like his parents who are uneducated, uncivilized and terrorist and wants to establish his name in the society as ideal and noble man therefore joined this college and the group

Member 15 : Alisani Akheriya, known for being a 'questioner' since childhood, often turning family dinners into physcological debates. Has a sarcastic sense of humor, often remarking about how "it's all a conspiracy" when discussing group plans.

Member 16 : Anustag Bijariya, the dream analyst. He started reading about dream interpretation in middle school and have since developed an obsession with analyzing dreams and therefore studies Psychology. The group sometimes makes up wild dreams just to see what outrageous analysis they will get in return.

Member 17 : Baby Johnson, a children lover who only keeps young wives with him and the younger children of other wives. He is in this college to study Pyschology so that he can understand the mind of children's and attract them towards him.

Member 18 : Avika Kanaujiya, the arrogant, greedy and self-centred poor girl yet very attractive and intelligent. She is undoubtedly the tough competition amongst the other girls. For fame she can do anything and to any extent can go.

Member 19 : Jocky Jolly, joined the college and the group as he wants to take revenge from Dolki Baba and the other conspirators who ruined his life and family. He wants to know who are those criminals with Dholki Baba.

Member 20 : Rajni Gandha, a well established Doctor in the town wants to study Pyschology because the person she truly loves is an Pyschology student of this same college. She aims to get specialization in attachment theory and apply it to every relationship she observe. She is go-to friend for dating advice but all the Advices she has given so far had made issues.

Member 21 : Anokhi Kapoor, the most negatively famous personality in the town due to her actions. She is the best friend of koyile.

Member 22 : Angaar Chikariya, who hate parents and has been accused as a murderer of his grand parents by his own parents.

Little do they know, their lives are already woven together in ways even their theories can't predict-by the end of their psychology degree, every hidden thread will unravel, and they'll finally discover that the answers they sought were tangled within each other all along.

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