at the abandond farm

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The man tide isabelle to a chair so she couldnt move.
"why are you doing this"she spoke but got no reply.

The man went on his knees and slowly stroked her cheak he reached out to slowly kiss isabell but she spat in his mouth.

The man stood up and slaped the girl across the face and left a big red hand print.
The man reached out for a knife and cut through isabelles arm .
She screemed out in pain and the man punched and slaped her over and over again.

Isabell was black and blue and couldnt talk and thet the man take over body.

He began to untie isabelle to the chair and she fell to the floor in pain. The man started to do harrible things to her and the girl couldnt stop him at all because she had no energy .

Once the man finnished what he was doing she pushed isabelle onto the floor and managed to crawl herself to the corner of the room while the man watched.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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