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Omg!!! Omg omg OMG omg OMFFFGGGGGG!!!! What am I going to do!! I-I I kissed REIKI!!! Or all people I could have accidentally kissed it had to be HIM! My worst enemy! The person who taunts me! The person I hate! The person who's name I can't even say without having a look of disgust on my face!! Really what did I do to deserve this punishment that came from the deepest part of hell? These were the thoughts that kept running my mind as laid on the bed in my room. My room was blue....like literally blue! Everything was a different shade of blue expect my stuffed animals. Yes! I have stuffed animals it's the only girly thing I own other then my bracelets. When you first walk in to my room what you see or the thing that caches most people's attention is the window on the other side of the room. The window had a place to sit carved right under it. I liked reading there but the fact people could see me outside my window freaked me out so I stay away from that area most of the time. On the right side of the room was my bed with dark blue blankets same colour as my wall and white pillows.  In front of my bed was a light blue furry/shaggy carpet that I lied down on when it was hot . Next to my bed was a ark brown night table it was like REALLY dark brown (everything is based on Niyas perspective this what she thinks and sees and I am also not good at describing) it had a little night lamp with a white cone or lamp hat I pulled a string and it would turn on and off with a click. To the far left of the room in the corner near the window was my  dark brown book shelf that was filled with books. Not just reading but writing books drawing books story books history books for school math tutoring books cuz well I suck at math... But just all types of books. Be side the book shelf was a desk and spinning chair with wheels it was a black one. The desk was light drown and had 3 desk drawer in the first drawer was my pencils pens and drawing my  materials and in my second drawer what I think are more books and in the third a bunch of clay and clay models I built witch were actually really good if I do say so myself. I had my own bathroom but there was no bath there just a toilet and a sink and that was on the other side of my bed (my bed is facing the desk and not against the wall) it was kind of like you could just disappear into the wall cuz when you first walk into my room you can't see it. Anyways my closet was on left side of the bed and it had sliding doors. (enough of the room start the story already!!!) I lay down on my bed hugging my favourite stuffed bear. ( your going to describe it sent you....) it was a black bear with a brown muzzle(I knew it....)  and a black nose it had brown patches on its hand and feet for pads it was my favourite one its was....sentimental. I hugged it close to my chest and started thinking again.... What was I going to do! If I go back to the guild everyone will be making me feel awkward like saying "congrats!" And "ohhhhhh" and just really weird uncomfortable things AND THAT JUST FROM THE GROWN UPS  AT THE GUILD!!!  WHAT DO YOU THINK THE KIDS AKA MY FRIENDS WILL DO!!! and it's not like I will be fighting Reiki any time soon cuz of incident I mean people will think we like each other cuz of this!!! It would be so awkward.... Then it hit me! The guild sleepover is tonight! I am supposed to be there! If I don't go everyone will say it cuz of the kiss! Eww it gross even saying it in my brain..... I mean yah I am not going cuz of it but I don't want them SAYING it cuz if it... That's like saying they win! Saying that cuz of a stupid accident Niya! The girl who stops at nothing! Will not come even tho no body says that.... But rosy! I can't just leave her right? Then it hit me again..... WAIT EVEN IF I DONT GO ME AND REIKI HAVE TO GO ON A MISSION TOGETHER!!! I growled at my own misfortune. How could one person be unlucky so many times in one night? Like really!!? I end up kissing the guy I hate. Missing my guild sleepover witch isn't such a big lose but still and I have to go on a mission soon with the person I hate AFTER KISSING THEM!!! Before I could just hit or ignore him  but now I can't!!! It will be to awkward! (You use that word a lot "awkward") just then my LC rang (I don't know if you know this but in the new season magnolia has phones but they call then communication lacerma but I just call it LC for short it dose everything a phone dose and it looks like a diamond version of an iPhone 5c cuz it comes in different colours) I looked at the number contact and saw it was Rose. She probably wanted to know we're I was considering I just walked out without saying anything at all to well,  anyone. I picked it up and answered lazily "hello" she was probably going to talk about the accident she loved this sort of thing... Shipping OTPS canon ships she loved them she alike this shipping expert, mom says she get it from ante Erza witch slightly worries me. "NIYA ARE YOU OK!! YOU JUST WALKED OUT WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING!! REIKI FAINTED!! You must be a really good kisser..." She mumbles the last part but I could still hear it and I could swear she was smirking too. I blushed tho...NOT CUZ IF THE KISSING COMMENT but because I just get embarrassed easily..... And that comment was really well embarrassing!! "Shut up!" I chocked back to her over the phone "I am at home, hey do you think I should go to the guild sleepover of just stay home?" I got straight to the point and asked her what I should do. she want surprised tho, you could tell on how fast she responded, just as quickly as I asked. she said "idk maybe you should, everyone is in shock you and Reiki kissed and rumours are starting to spread! You and Reiki  weren't the only ones surprised at this little accident everyone is talking about it! Maybe you should stay away from the guild for a while Niya." I know I asked for her opinion but sometimes she just so cold.... "Ow that hurts you meani" I shot back coldly to her " I think your right but I want to have a sleepover with you! We haven't had one in AGES!!! Plus schools coming and I want is to hang out!" " Yah yah I know that's why I am coming over I already told my mom ad she said as long as it ok within your family I can sleepover." THERES MY ROSY!!! Thinking ahead and planing this! "Kk! I will as my mom! I wil text you the answer " I said happily over the phone. Even tho it's 100% sure my mom will say ok I still had to ask so that she knows to cook extra......cake so she knows to cook extra cake ( you bake cake Baka) rosy didn't eat much only came her whole family was like that except her dad who was the one that cooks actual food for their family. I wen downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen in a pink apron making what looks like eggs. "mom can rosy sleepover?!" I said from the kitchen door frame that I was leaning on. "Why? Sent you going to the guild sleepover? You can just see her there!" My mom said not looking away from the stove. "yah but... " I had to think if something I didn't want to tell mom NOW that the reason I didn't want to go to the guild sleepover was because I accidentally kissed Reiki u want to tell her later so I will just have to make up something in the moment. "Me and her don't want to be around so much people. and everyone is going to be drinking! So we want to watch a quite movie in the living room!" Wow!  Tat actually made sense and was a good enough excuse!! Good job me! "Rose's mom said it was ok too if it ok with you!" I said re gaining myself. "well of course it's alright! I just don't know why you want a sleepover with one of your friends when you could go to one with all of them!" Mom asked ugggghhh why was she asking so many questions??! Really just say it ok so I can leave! "Well it the last month of summer so we want to have fun together." This is bad if I am right she going to say... "Then why not have fun with all your friends? " I knew it.... Time to wrap things up just as I was about to make up my final excuse to seal the deal Sylvia walked in and pitched in her idiotic 2 cents in... "That's a lie! She didn't want to go cuz she don't want to have to see Reiki!" She said tauntingly from the  other side of kitchen door frame. when she get here? "Niya! Juvia told you not to fight with Reiki-San anymore!!!" My mom yelled talked, she put down the eggs in a plate and turned the stove off she then turned around and untied her apron and liked at me with a concerned look on her face it also looked a bit pitiful. "yurts me she wasn't fighting him! In fact I think there REALLY good friends!! Maybe even more?!" Sylvia sang. SHUT UP YOU LITTLE APPLE FUCK NUT!! I wanted to scream but since mom was there I couldn't .. "really?! Then why don't you want to go?" And gain even tho the question was to me Sylvia answered....ugggghhh "Niya kissed Reiki by accident and now she didn't want to go cuz she thinks it will be awkward!" I couldn't take it "shut up Sylvia, she was asking me!" I yelled at her and with that she stuck her tongue at me and skipped up the stairs humming happily. "Ohhhhh you kissed him huh! Well then I guess to save you from your embarrassment Juvia could let you stay home and invite Rose-San!" "Thank y-" "or I could make you go because you didn't do the dishes this morning?" She continued. I have my mom the most horrific scared face I could make with my eyes big and my mouth just a bit open (◻️ o◻️) like this. "Juvia is just kidding! You can stay and invite Rose-San over!" She said happily. I let out a huge and relived sigh. That was the most scariest thing ever! I think I aged about 3 years... I have my mom a hug and texted rose to come over and that it was fine......and that she should bring cake I really wanted sweets. I minute later she texted back saying "ok see you at 7 and vanilla, chocolate or other I am being strawberry for myself" I texted her back saying "chocolate with vanilla icing and whipped cream......LOTS of whipped cream" I went to my book shelf and got out a manga, "the princess who fell for the dragon" him sounded interesting. I say in my bed an started reading it was 5 now so j guess I could just read to pass the time. all that was left to do was wait.

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