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'Why are you here?' asked the school counselor.
My principal said I have a problem.
'Do you think you have a problem?' she asked.
'Do you think I have a problem?' I asked.
I stared. I then realized that I was talking to a very beautiful lady with brown eyes.
She wore grey pants and a white formal shirt with a black Blazer. And topped it off with black heels.
'Why are heels such a turn on?' I asked myself.
She then snapped her fingers at me.
' Tell me about your parents', she said. Do I have to?
' If you want to know what your problems are, sure ', she shrugged.
' Where do I begin?' as I tried to make myself comfortable in the plastic chair.
Stupid school, can't even get a couch.
' Tell me about your childhood' she said while taking off her Blazer.
I thought to myself, ' How can she be so hot and still solve others problems?'
I began to talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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