Chapter 1

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The soft hum of conversation filled the dimly lit bar, where the scent of whiskey and worn leather clung to the air. Olivia Dean sat on the small stage, a guitar resting on her lap, her fingers absently strumming as she waited for her turn. She glanced at the audience, a mix of locals who knew her by name and strangers passing through the sleepy town of St.Ives. Her heart raced in anticipation, just like it did every time, no matter how many times she performed.

Tonight wasn't different from the rest—just another Friday night gig in the Rusty Nail, a hole-in-the-wall bar where her voice barely rose above the clinking of glasses and murmured conversations. Still, Olivia poured her soul into each note, hoping that somewhere, someday, the right person would hear her.

"Next up, Olivia Dean!" the bartender called over the hum of the crowd. Olivia straightened her back, adjusted the microphone, and took a deep breath.

As she began her set, her rich, honeyed voice filled the small space, silencing the chatter. The opening chords of one of her original songs, Wish I Didn't Miss You, echoed around her, and for a moment, the world outside the bar didn't matter. She closed her eyes, letting the music carry her. She could imagine herself on a bigger stage, with lights shining down and a crowd that hung on every word, but that dream was still distant, always just out of reach.

Halfway through her set, Olivia noticed someone new in the crowd—a man sitting at the back, his face half-hidden beneath a baseball cap, wearing an oversized coat that seemed to swallow him whole. There was something about him that caught her eye, though she couldn't place it. Unlike the others, he wasn't on his phone or talking to his friends. He was listening, really listening. His eyes were locked on her, and for a moment, it sent a thrill through her chest. She sang for him, just for him, her voice growing softer, more intimate, as though the music were a secret between them.

Harry sat quietly, his hands wrapped around a half-empty glass of bourbon. He had needed to get away—away from the crowds, the flashing cameras, the constant noise of a life lived under a spotlight. His world had grown too loud, too overwhelming, and he'd driven aimlessly until he found this bar in the middle of nowhere. He'd wanted a quiet drink and a moment to breathe, but he hadn't expected this.

Her voice. It was magnetic, drawing him in with every note, every word. He could see the passion in the way she played, the way her voice cracked just slightly with emotion. She wasn't like the polished pop stars he was used to; she was real, raw, and utterly captivating. For the first time in months, he felt something stir inside him—a sense of wonder, a reminder of why he had fallen in love with music in the first place.

When her set ended, the crowd erupted into polite applause, though Olivia barely noticed. Her eyes flicked back to the man in the corner, and for a brief moment, their gazes met. She gave a small smile, half-shy, half-curious, as she slid off the stool and gathered her things.

Harry hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should approach her. He wasn't used to being nervous, but there was something different about her. She wasn't just another performer, and he didn't want to ruin the moment by being... well, Harry Styles, pop sensation. For now, he was just a guy who had wandered into a bar and discovered something extraordinary.

Olivia packed up her guitar, slipping it into its worn case. The bartender nodded at her as she made her way to the back, heading for the side door to get some fresh air. The night was crisp, the sky clear and scattered with stars. She took a deep breath, letting the cool air calm her nerves, when she heard a soft voice behind her.

"You were incredible up there."

Startled, Olivia turned to see the man from the back of the bar standing a few feet away. Up close, he looked familiar, but she couldn't quite place him. His eyes were soft, kind, with a hint of something deeper that made her heart skip.

"Thanks," she replied, brushing a stray curl behind her ear. "I didn't think anyone was really listening."

"I was," he said, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "You've got something special."

There was something in the way he said it, so sincere, that Olivia felt a blush rise to her cheeks. "I appreciate that. I'm Olivia, by the way."

He hesitated, just for a beat. "Harry."

Her eyes widened, recognition finally dawning. Harry Styles. No wonder he had looked so familiar. She had seen his face on billboards, heard his songs on the radio, but here he was, standing in front of her like he was just another guy in town.

"I... I know who you are," she stammered, suddenly unsure of what to say. "What are you doing here?"

"Just passing through," he said with a shrug, his gaze never leaving hers. "Sometimes you just need to escape, you know?"

Olivia nodded, understanding more than he could have known. "Yeah, I get that."

For a moment, neither of them spoke, the quiet night settling around them. It was strange, surreal, standing there with Harry Styles, of all people, but Olivia didn't feel starstruck. She felt... curious. Who was he really, beneath the fame?

"Do you mind if I buy you a drink?" Harry asked, breaking the silence. His voice was soft, hesitant, as though he didn't want to push too hard.

Olivia smiled, something fluttering in her chest. "Sure. Why not?"

As they walked back into the bar, the air between them hummed with a strange, electric tension. Neither of them knew where this night would lead, but for the first time in a long time, both Olivia and Harry felt something they hadn't expected—hope.

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