Chapter 4

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The following week slipped by in a blur, filled with late-night gigs, coffee runs, and mornings spent by the beach as Olivia strummed new melodies into the salt-tinged air. She didn't see Harry for a few days, and though she told herself it didn't matter, she found herself glancing up at the door of the Rusty Nail every night, half-expecting to see him walk in.

Finally, on a quiet Thursday afternoon, her phone buzzed with an unfamiliar number. Her heart skipped when she saw the message.

Harry: Hope I'm not interrupting your songwriting genius, but would you want to meet up later? I found a spot I think you'd love.

She grinned, quickly typing back, surprised at how easy the smile came.

Olivia: I'll never say no to a new spot. Where should I meet you?

An hour later, Olivia found herself waiting by the edge of a small, tucked-away park near the outskirts of St. Ives. It was a quiet little place, full of old stone benches and tall, swaying trees that seemed to guard the space from the outside world. She closed her eyes, letting the gentle wind sweep over her, the sounds of the town fading to a distant murmur.

When she opened her eyes, Harry was approaching, his usual easy smile in place as he waved. "Hey. Sorry if I'm a bit late—thought I'd pick up something for us." He lifted a thermos and a small bag of pastries from a local bakery. "This park has the best view of the sunset."

They found a spot on a grassy hill overlooking the rooftops of St. Ives, and Harry poured them each a cup of coffee from the thermos as they settled in.

"Thanks for the invite," Olivia said, taking a sip. "I had no idea this place existed. It's beautiful."

Harry nodded. "It's one of the quietest spots around here. I thought it might be your kind of place. And maybe mine too."

They sat in companionable silence for a while, sipping their coffee and watching the horizon as the sun dipped lower, casting golden light across the town. Olivia felt a calmness settle over her, the kind of peace that she hadn't felt in so long. Harry didn't feel the need to fill every moment with conversation, and she liked that—she didn't have to pretend to be anyone but herself.

"So, you've been working on new songs?" he asked, his gaze warm and attentive as he looked over at her.

Olivia nodded, her fingers idly tracing patterns on the grass. "Yeah. I guess this town's got me feeling inspired. I don't know if any of it's good yet, but... it's something."

He tilted his head, considering. "Maybe I could hear one sometime, if you'd be up for it?"

She hesitated, feeling the familiar nervousness bubble up. She had always shared her music easily with the crowds at the bar, with people who saw her as background entertainment, but sharing a song in private, with someone actually listening—that was different.

"I'd like that," she said softly, surprising herself. "It's been a long time since I've let anyone in like that."

They shared a quiet smile, the silence between them comfortable. As the sun finally set, casting deep shades of pink and orange across the sky, Olivia felt a gentle kind of warmth in her chest—something soft and steady. She hadn't realized how much she had needed this, just the simple presence of someone who cared, someone who wasn't pushing her, but was just... there.

After a while, Harry cleared his throat. "You know, I've been thinking of sticking around St. Ives for a bit longer than I'd planned. Something about this place feels right." He chuckled, looking down, his voice softening. "And maybe it has something to do with good company."

She blushed, feeling both flattered and surprised. "Really? But don't you have places to be, cities to perform in?"

He shrugged, his gaze thoughtful. "Maybe. But sometimes it's good to just take things slow. You don't get to do that often in my line of work."

Olivia nodded, understanding more than she let on. She, too, had needed the stillness of St. Ives, a place where the past felt distant and the future was just the next day. The idea of having a friend here, someone who understood that, made the town feel even more like home.

After a while, Harry glanced at his phone, chuckling. "Wow, it's later than I thought. Walk you home?"

They strolled through the quiet streets of St. Ives, the lamplights casting soft glows across the cobblestone. As they neared her door, Olivia found herself pausing, not ready to say goodnight just yet.

"Thanks, Harry. For today," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It was... nice. I don't get days like this often."

"Neither do I," he replied, his tone just as soft. There was a flicker of something in his gaze, something unspoken, and for a moment, she wondered if he felt the same cautious pull she did. But he didn't push, and that made her heart relax.

"Goodnight, Olivia," he said, his voice warm as he stepped back.

"Goodnight, Harry."

As she closed the door behind her, Olivia leaned against it, a small smile on her face.

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