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Dhwapar Yug

There is a princess pritha adopted daughter of king kunthi boj and his daughter named as kunthi.

There is a sage named dhurvasa  a powerful sage who can curse devas and give boons to worthful ones.

And he came to kunthi's kingdom for a stay for sometime and king kunthiboj recived the sage and order his daughter to sreve the sage.

princess pritha started serving the sage with full devotion ,sage impressed with devotion of the princess gave boon no one ever has given he gave a mantra to the princess to invoke the gods and get a son from them.

After given the boon to princess sage has left the kingdom.

after that princess kunthi left to kingdom told about boon to her father kunthiboj and friend priyamvada a maid .

Then princess living happy life one day her friend priyamvada has questioned her princess is the mantra working or not she didn't belive so she left.

After that maid left princess kunthi made up her mind stared at the sky she seen the surya narayan invoked him with the mantra, a bright light came infront of her and a supreme being with his full might with wonderful features has manifested infront of the princess.

She asked the being are you surya dev, yes kunthi  i am and on the boon of sage durvasa i am giving the son to you with my ansh accept it kunthi.

No i can't surya dev please go back and i will invoke you after my marriage please come then.

Surya dev in furious tone kunthi you have invoked me now you have to accept the child a bright light came from surya dev and entered kunthi womb and suya dev as vanished from there.

Kunthi fainted from  the energy that enterd the womb after she woke up some time she has remembered what has she done and she left to her room she tell her friend what has happened and   after that she tell her father she is going to forest for penance to get a good husband she left with her friend to the forest.

After 10 months on a fine morning when total navagrahas formed in a straight line  a forest near ganga river in a hut a girl has started pushing her stomach to down after some time when navagrahas in line a baby was born with divine light, the girl was stoped from her pain and she has seen the baby boy in fill glory a bright light engulfed in the hut there came surya dev.

surya dev told to kunthi our  son will be undefeatble strength with the weight of navagrahas and with divine kavach and kundalas which are unpenitreble so our son will be undefeted.

before  surya dev vanished he gave boon to kunthi you will regain your virginity. after surya dev left  she told  her friend/maid priyamvada to arrange a basket with gold she took the baby without  feeding milk put the baby in basket with blue lotuses and gold left the baby in ganga river after that she cried for some time she left to the kingdom.      

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