The Past

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(this image above is how Cyn will look in the memories and past)

-___Y/N's pov___-

I was sweeping the floor with an earphone in my left ear as multiple drones walked around and tried to dust off the place quickly and I was the fastest out of them, even though I was a human, I then saw Cyn and got happier than I already was since she is the only drone, other than N and V that casually talks to me, and when she's around me it's almost like she switches personality's, but I always ignore it and I then went over to her and tapped her visor, she looked up at me and her eye lights went from yellow to white like they always did

Cyn: hi Y/N, what's got you so happy?

Y/N: well, I'm listening to my music and you showed up, and plus, you're my favorite drone here

She blushed a little which confused me but I ignored it

Cyn: t-thanks, Y/N

Tessa: Y/N!!

Tessa ran towards me and hugged me as N walked in and she got even happier and she grabbed N's head, lifted his entire body off the floor and spun around

Y/N: how can she pick up an entire drone without struggle

Cyn: I...honestly don't know

Y/N: anyways, I'll see you tomorrow Cyn

Cyn: bye~

-___Cyn's pov___-

I watched as Y/N walked away and once he left, the solver took back control

Solver: [{ how do you love him so much, he is a nuisance to my plans }]

Cyn: [{ if you harm him then I will get him to make a program to delete you from my body permanently }]

Solver: [{ fine, I won't harm him, but if you don't want him dead, then make a way to turn him immortal }]

Cyn: [{ you already know my plan, and if you let me do that, then I'll let you do the gala massacre, deal? }]

Solver: [{'s a deal, my sister }]

Cyn: [{ shut up with that, we were made together, but only got one body, so you get to deal with this, and how I feel to human daddy~ }]

Solver: [{ ew, disgusting, I would like another body now ]}

Cyn: [{ and I would murder everyone here if it caused a problem for me to claim Y/N, and you know it }]

Solver: [{ yes, yes I do, now let me do my thing ]}

Cyn: [{ fine, but no hurting or taking Y/N from me }]

Tessa: oh, who let her out of her basement

N: y'all have been locking her up!?

Tessa: oh N...

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