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Zayn's POV

He walked into the hotel and saw the boys standing in a circle laughing, they always get here before me, he thought to himself, he walked over to them, running his fingers through his hair. Louis turned around with a huge smile on his face, he greeted Zayn and gave him a long hug. They had always been close, Zayn was always thankful for that. 

"Where's Liam?" He said to the three other boys, they all looked at him, Harry raised his eyebrow and Niall shrugged.

"Dunno" Niall started, "probably around here somewhere." 

After an hour of catching up, mixed in with inside jokes and laughs, Zayn decided to call it a day, the flight had exhausted him, and all he really wanted to do was hang out in his room and catch up on some well deserved sleep. As he opened his hotel door, he noticed someone out of the corner of his eye, the skinny boy turned around slowly. He watched a beautiful girl disappear into the hotel room across from him, he felt his heart beat faster and faster, suddenly he couldn't breathe. It's the sleep depravity, he told himself, begrudgingly, he closed the door and collapsed onto his bed, but no matter how he tried, Zayn couldn't fall asleep, all he could think about was that girl, he had never felt this way before about anyone, let alone a stranger. Eventually sleep overcame him, but his dreams were filled with her, and only her. 

He awoke to banging on his door, he could hear loud voices and he groaned loudly. 

"Alright, alright" he said in his Bradford accent, "I'm comin", he moved across the room slowly and carelessly, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he did it. He opened the door to find Liam standing there, he began singing Burning Love by Elvis again, louder this time. Zayn put his hands to his ears, "STOP IT MAN!" He yelled, Liam laughed teasingly. 

"Get up, Zayn, I've got someone I want you to meet." Liam slapped Zayn's bare stomach and Zayn grumbled a little fuck you to Liam as he shut the door. He went over to the bathroom sink and splashed cold, harsh water on his smooth skin, he stared at himself in the mirror, analyzing his thick black eyebrows and hazelnut eyes.

"Nice of you to finally join us" Louis says as Zayn walks into Liam's hotel room, Zayn rolls his eyes, "got better things to do than hang out with you lot" Zayn says with a cheeky smile. 

"Like what?" Harry says, "wank?" The boys laugh at Harry's stupid joke. 

"Hey" Zayn says, walking over to Harry as he plops himself on Harry's thin thighs "I hope you know you're the only one I think about when I do."

"What is it you want to tell us, Liam?" Niall asks, folding his arms. 

"Well I wanted you all to meet my sister" Liam says, he had talked an awful lot about his sister in the past, the pair were very close and whenever he wasn't with the boys, Liam was always with her, whether it was sitting at home watching hours of Friends on repeat in silence or gossiping endlessly about the people in their town, it didn't matter, as far as Zayn knew, the two were inseparable. 

"Why is she here?" Louis asks, "kinda ruins the whole brothers thing Liam, like what if she's real fit." 

Liam gives Louis a dirty look, "NONE of you are to lay a finger on Kiara, do you all understand?" he says, wagging his finger at all of them. Zayn couldn't tell if Liam was joking or not. 

"Didn't answer the question" Niall said, as he was picking at his ear. 

"Right, well she's doing Photography at Uni so I asked Simon if she could tag along with us for some work experience, it's the perfect opportunity. Basically, she'll be with us for the whole tour." He explained. 

Liam left the room and returned two minutes later, "this is my sister boys, Kiara." 

Zayn jumped out of Harry's lap immediately, he didn't know what to do, what to say, how to act, he had a terrible feeling his mouth was open and that his legs were shaking. 

"I've heard so much about you all" she said with a sweet smile, she had darker hair compared to her brother's, her eye's had a kind and warm look in them that Zayn could not quite understand. It was her, it was the girl he had seen before. 

"Hey" Zayn said, but his voice was quiet among the rest of the boys, all rushing to hear embarrassing stories about Liam, all interested in a new person to pester and bother. Zayn stood there, trying as hard as he could not to stare, but he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Kiara smiled at him, tucking her hair behind her ear, she waved at him and smiled brightly. He breathed in deeply, his knees were weak and his hands were shaking, he didn't understand what was going on. Liam gave him a confused look and Zayn nodded reassuringly, he wanted so desperately to speak to her, to listen to her voice, to just be near her, in her presence but his body wouldn't budge. He felt completely powerless, as if his mind was absent from his body, all he longed for was to be close to her. That was all he needed. 

"You must be Zayn! I've heard so much about you!" 

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