"Ahh," I groaned in pain, feeling like my whole body was tightly tied up. It was dark all around me, heavier than I could bear.Slowly, I opened my eyes. At first, I saw only darkness, but then my vision started to clear. I realized I was tied on a chair, my hands and feet both were tied.
I didn't understand what was happening at first. Then, I began to remember everything. How Arjun had taken me to his old house and told me the terrible truth about my father. After hearing that, I ran away from home, and then some people kidnapped me.
As I remembered, I started to feel anxious. I struggled with my hands and feet, trying to get free, but it was no use.
Then I looked down and saw my baby bump. I realized I had completely forgotten in all the mess that I was pregnant. This made me feel even guiltier; when I ran away, I only thought about my pain, not about my baby.
Knowing that I was pregnant and now kidnapped made me even more scared.
"Please, don't let anything happen to my baby." I prayed to God.
I didn't know what to do; I was very angry at myself. I looked around but couldn't see anything because it was dark.
Gathering my courage, I shouted, "Who's there? Is anyone here? Please, let me go! Why did you bring me here? Let me go!"
But there was no answer. It seemed I was alone. Tears started to flow from my eyes. I wasn't afraid for myself; I was terrified for my baby. If anything happened to my daughter, I would never forgive myself.
I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the sound of heels coming closer. I realized that someone was coming.
"Who are you, and why did you kidnap me? Let me go. If my husband finds out, he won't spare you."
I tried to sound brave, but then I heard someone laugh loudly. It was a woman's voice.
"Oh, of course, your husband will come. Why wouldn't he? After all, his dear wife is in my control; he'll come running."
She laughed again, and I quickly recognized her voice.
"Kimaya!" I gasped in shock. I couldn't believe Kimaya had kidnapped me.
As soon as I said her name, all the lights in the warehouse turned on, showing her face. Kimaya stood there with some men behind her.
"Tch tch tch! You recognized me right away-not bad. So, tell me, my dear daughter-in-law, how are you feeling here?"
She mocked me.
I felt disgusted, especially after learning the dark truth about her. I couldn't stand to look at her.
She came closer and said, "Oh! It seems your dear husband finally told you the whole truth. Your face says it all. Good, because I was also tired of pretending to be nice. Today, I'll show you the real Kimaya."
Suddenly, she looked towards my belly and said in a scary voice, "The Kimaya who can do anything to get what she wants."
I felt even more terrified. After learning her story, I knew she had no heart and could go to any lengths to fulfill her desires, even if it meant hurting others.
Seeing the fear on my face, she laughed at me.
"Aww, you're scared already! I haven't even done anything yet. That's not fair! I thought I'd do so much, but look at you-scared already."
I looked into her eyes; they seemed deadly like I was staring death in the face.
"You know, you're my favorite," she said while looking at me. "And why wouldn't you be? Because of you, I achieved many things in getting rid of Niharika. I couldn't have done it without you."

Revenge In Love
Romance"Don't worry, your wife is absolutely fine. Nothing has happened to her." Hearing this gave me some relief, but as soon as the doctor continued, I was completely stunned. "And your baby is also perfectly fine. Both the mother and the baby are safe...