( chapter 1)

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Have you ever heard of love? Of course, everyone must have, right? But my story was different, unique, and incomplete. It was beautiful, you know? They say that we got everything, except we didn't get each other. It was a great story. I don't know when it started... but it did start, unexpectedly. I never thought that one person could become so important. Let me tell you my story...

I was in college. I didn't even know what love was. They say you only understand it after experiencing it. I used to see my friends in relationships, thinking, "I wish I had someone whom I could call mine." Then, one day, a message came from him-the one I had been waiting for. He replied to my story, "hard study," and from that point, it all began... You could call it a beautiful journey.

At first, we didn't talk much, but slowly, we began talking a lot. Initially, we'd talk once a week, then it became daily. Slowly, it all progressed. He was very shy. I used to tease him so much, saying it felt like I was the guy and he was the girl. Funny, right? But it was like that. I would shamelessly talk to him, like, "Why are you being so shy?" And he'd say, "You're so fast!"

Then he admitted that he had a crush on a girl in college, and I used to tease him endlessly. It became a routine. I would tell him to go and woo the girl, and he'd be like, "How am I supposed to do that?" I even gave him three names, and he'd laugh and say, "If none of them work out, there's always you, right?" I'd respond, "Yeah, right."

Eventually, I gave him a nickname: "Mr akadu" . At first, he didn't like it, but he got used to it. No one else was allowed to call him that; it was my right alone. He even said, "What kind of name have you given me?"

Then, his brother's wedding came, so I went to his house. We chatted there, too, and he called me to talk. I joked, "Shall I propose to you in front of everyone?" He said, "Yeah, go ahead." When we finally met, we just looked at each other and laughed so hard. My mom asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Then he sat down to eat, and I sat right across from him. He kept looking at me, laughing. Poor guy couldn't eat properly, and I found it hilarious. Later, I visited his village for a religious event. When we were there, there was a lizard in his room. I got so scared and started jumping around, and he calmly said, "Wait, I'll take it out."

That day, I remember resting my head on his shoulder for the first time. He was stunned, speechless, but I felt so peaceful. Later, he messaged me saying, "I got goosebumps when you kept your head on my shoulder." It felt like a unique kind of peace.

We started calling and sharing everything. When he overthought things, I'd calm him down, and he'd do the same for me. Our bond was special, very close. He was extremely sweet, one in a million. No matter how busy he was, he always made time to talk to me. He even started calling me "White Rice" because I loved rice so much. He was adorable.

I don't remember if he proposed first or if I did, but someone did. At first, I played hard to get, but eventually, I said yes. He would even joke around, calling me "Anna Tuppa Sambar." It was cute. He wasn't just my love but my best friend, my everything.

But things changed. He started ignoring me because he was scared his family would find out. I tried contacting him, but he kept avoiding me. Once, we met in the village, and he called out to me. I didn't have the courage to talk, so I just went home and messaged him. He replied, "What happened?" I was crying so much, feeling lost. I wanted to meet him and talk.

The next day, we met again. I waited eagerly for him to come. When he arrived, we ate together, and then went to the temple. Our fate was kind; even the gods wanted us to meet. I just wanted to look at him, and he was staring back at me. I held his hand, and he looked at me with such emotion. It was a different feeling.

The next day, he came all dressed up, looking like a perfect gentleman. For the first time in two months, he said, "I love you, my dear." I melted that day. I felt as though he would hold my hand forever, but perhaps destiny had other plans.

Afterward, things went well for a while, but then we had another fight, and he didn't talk to me for 24 days. When he finally messaged me, he said, "Sorry, I can't continue this relationship. I have too many responsibilities." I respected his decision, thinking he must have a good reason to make such a big choice. But I was shattered, completely broken. I tried to stay in contact with him, though. He was everything to me-my friend, my love.

I wanted to hug him one last time and tell him that I'd always be there. But fate didn't allow it. We stopped talking for a month, but then started chatting a bit again. On his birthday, he once again called me "jaan" (darling), and I melted all over again.

Eventually, we went our separate ways. I'm left with memories, wondering if he will ever come back into my life and call me his. Will he still keep me as a friend? Will he ever give me the same importance as before? So many questions, but I'll never ask him. For his happiness, I let him go.

Ending our relationship doesn't lessen the love. He will always be in my heart. Sometimes, I think if he were here, things would have been different. Why can't relationships be forever?

I know love is my choice; whether he stays or not, he'll always be special. My story may be different from others, but that's okay.

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