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"Just be mine. I want you to mine. I don't want to wait a bloody damn long time to be more" he said

"But don't you think we're going to fast?" I asked

"I don't know, but at the moment I don't care at all" he said opening his door of the car and mines

We walked to the front door and unlocked it. We got inside and as soon as I get in and close the door, I feel Brooklyn's lips on mine

"Brooklyn" I said trying to wake him up,(don't worry I'm fully clothed)

"Mmm" he said

"Wake up" I said

"Why" he groaned

"Cause I neeed shower at your parents place" I said

"Shower at their place? Why don't you just bring your clothes here?" He said

"Brooklyn as lovely as that sounds but we can't living together it'd be all too fast." I said

"I have extra rooms" he said, "and there's like two empty rooms"

"Are you sure?" I said


"Okay I'm gonna see these two empty rooms" I said

"Okay" he said going back to sleep
I rolled my eyes on how cute he was

I walked into a room it was nice, must be his office since there's a desk and his work stuff. I walk out and into a new room. it was filled with baby stuff, but it was getting packed up.

"I can explain" he said

"Are you a father?" I asked not mad or anything

"Was" he said, I gave him a questioning look, "on the day I turned 18 my friends threw me a party so I could have my first drink, I met a girl, Niomi, we were both drunk and we did... ya know... and two months later she found out that she was pregnant with my baby. when she was 5 months pregnant she started getting really bad pains , so we went to the doctor together to hear my precious little girl was dead. we didn't even know if she was boy or a girl." he said with tears in his eyes, "so she broke up with me the next day she said she could never see me again. and i was gonna show her the nursery when we found out what sex she was"

"Brooklyn I'm so sorry" I said hugging him

"It's fine" he said

"I'll just check the other room" I said

"I'll go with you" he said

We walk out of the room and walk into the empty one.

"Are you sure Brooklyn you want me here?" I asked

"Yes, it's very lonely here so I'd love company" he said with a smile.

"I'll get going. I'll pick up my clothes I guess and come back" I said

"You want me to come and help you?" He asked

"Yeah" I said with a smile


After Brooklyn helped me with my stuff and move it to his place. we notice that there was no furniture for me to sleep on or put my clothes.

"Uh, we can go to the store if you want" he said

"Nah I told Mackenzie that I'll come over" I said

"Ok I'll come with you" he said

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind?" I said

"Nah i mean if we did it as kids then I'm sure she won't mind" he winked and kissed me on the cheek.




So would you like me to be updating again 😁😏

And sorry it was short 😁😁😁😁😁



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