Dream or reality

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I looked around the hall. Luckily there was no one. How could this happen to me! I heard noise come from a room. "Oh shoot!" I whispered. I quickly ducked into a room and found a cabinet. Good I thought. I opened the cabinet door and medicine fell out making a pound sound. I froze in fear to the sound. What if that thing heard me. He shook the thought away and hid in the cabinet. It was dark in the cabinet and I had very little room. My eyes widened as I heard footsteps in the room. The cabinet suddenly swung open and I saw the creature's face as the thing screeched loudly. "Ahhhhhhh" I screeched. The world suddenly blackened and I found myself in my own room. "Phew, just a dream!" I said relieved. I got up out of my bed and put on socks. Switched my shirt and pants, then headed downstairs. I ten felt something dripping down my shoulder. I rolled up my sleeves and found a large bloodstream. How did this happen?! I thought to myself. Could it be from my dream? Well, dreams aren't real, right? I put back my sleeves and continued walking down the stairs. I took a tissue and stuffed it in my sleeves to stop the bleeding. I saw my mom cooking pancakes while taking on the phone. She suddenly stopped cooking pancakes and talking on the phone, and looked at the blood on my arm." Oh my gosh what happened?!!??" She practically screamed." I just fell out of my bed I guess" "well put some gauze on that and head out to school." Mom replied. I moved my feet to the bathroom and got bandages to patch the wound up." Ok by mom!" I said as I headed out the door. I grabbed my bike from the garage and didn't bother to grab a helmet. I jumped on the bike and pedaled to school. I stop at a red light and saw how much traffic there was, I would have to be here for a while. I finally got to school at 9:00 an hour late. I could already picture the screams and anger coming form the Mr. lower. I buzzed on the school with my student id and found out the school was completely dark. " hello!" I screamed as the sound echoed around the school. No answer. "Ok" I said quietly to myself. As I walked through the dark and scary school I saw a shadow." Is that you mr. Lower?" I asked. The Shadow turned around." Oh yes it is me!" He said. He walked towards me with a smile." Where is everyone?" I asked suspiciously."oh don't worry they all left to go home. Today is a no school Day" I accepted that answer and started to walk out but then I heard a loud scream throughout the school." What was that" I said. I looked behind me and Mr.lower wasn't there. I set my backpack down and ran to where I heard the scream. I noticed the school had a downstairs and that is where the sound came from. I walked down that stairs and saw a bunch of kids huddled together, tied up." Oh my gosh what happened!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs and untied people. As I untied the kid his eyes had terror in them."mmmmmm" the kid tried to say in his duct tape." What is it?" I asked."mmmmmmm!" I looked behind me and quickly saw a man with a knife. I was to slow to react and the knife went into my stomach over and over. I blacked out again. The mom heard a scream come from her son's room so she ran up there and found a pool of blood." Oh my gosh!!" She called 911 and got me to the hospital. That is when I finally opened my eyes. I was in a hospital and the lights were blinding. I had my mom looking at me with worrying eyes. My touched my stomach and saw a bandage with a ton of blood on it! " mom what happened?!" I said. " the doctors said you were stabbed repeatedly!" She replied. Then at that very second visiting hours were over.

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