Welcome to my Countryhumans artbook!
It will mainly focus on the nations active during the second world war, due to my interest laying there. It tends to be rather gay and sometimes slightly spicy!
Featured ships:
- Italy x Reich
- USSR x Reich
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[Do you want total war?]
In 1943, the german government realized, that they're fronts weren't moving forward, the 6th army had already surrendered in Stalingrad, things weren't great. Big surprise.
Ministre of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, wanted to exclaim "den totalen Krieg", which essentially meant cutting back on civil industries and only focus on the war industry. Hitler wasn't convinced! He thought it might make the people unhappy, and start leaning against the regime.
So Goebbels staged a speech 18. February ar the Sportpalast, in front of the most loyal regime supporters and nationalsocialists - to put pressure on Hitler, to agree to his plans, and earn back his place as second to first in the government.
"Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wollt ihr ihn - wenn nötig - totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute überhaupt erst vorstellen können?"
"Do you want total war? Do you want it - if necessary - more total(/absolute/all-out) and radical, than we could ever imagine today?"