Business as stated.

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Persia couldn't stop smiling at the text messages that Jaxon was sending to her. She was currently getting ready for her coin for the night. Milan set her up with some white businessmen who wanted to do a threesome for two thousands a piece. Who was Persia to turn down four stacks easy with just a simple activity as sex? Persia didn't look at it as a bad thing for the most part she tuned herself out and focused on the bigger picture. Money was her only motive she had nothing else to look forward to but the chase of the hustle. Sure she was hungry but she always wondered in her free time. Could she use her same energy and hunger in something more legit? Persia's text tone started sounding off and the incoming text message was from none other than Jaxon himself. Can I see you tonight baby? The message read. Even though Jaxon was just a trick to Persia. He was fine as hell and had long money. Not to mention Persia hadn't got the full package. Sure she tasted him but she didn't get to feel him. With Persia not responding to his text quick enough. Jaxon sent a picture message that gave Persia butterflies. It was a picture of five thousand cash. Persia hurried and responded to the message before Jaxon removed the offer. Letting him know she was interested in his offer. Persia refused to pass up any money as long as everything was nine hundred and up. She's was with it. True, Milan got a portion of her profits but she always looked out. It was only fair to split shit down the middle. A cockroach started crawling on the bathroom and the sight of it made Persia cringe. She couldn't believe it was just in her presence just crawling around like it wasn't nothing. I've got to get the hell out of here. She thought to herself, which motivated her more to get her stacks up. Jaxon finally responded with a time. Adding the finishing touches to her makeup she read the message not pleased. Jaxon's time was conflicting with her current client's time. Keeping nothing but the money in mind Persia was sure Jaxon wouldn't mind meeting up after eleven thirty. Especially since he had a wife. Persia was sure she would need to spend some quality time with her cheating husband. Sending a nude picture with her breasts on full display to keep Jaxon's interest. So he could have to look forward to. Persia noticed that Milan hadn't been home all day nor had she heard from her. Since their previous conversation about the current coin that hadn't talk. Since they were grown as hell there was no need for Milan to know about her meeting with Jaxon. That would be extra bread on the low and what Milan didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Excited about meeting Jaxon's fine ass. Persia just couldn't get her mind off making nine grand in one night. Tonight was sure to be a celebration.

Arriving to the Pfister Hotel in the downtown area of Milwaukee. Persia took the elevator of the famous grand hotel to the third floor. Seductively walking to room 305, she was instructed to wear an all-black see through slip dress with an all-black veil. She figured it was a role play thing. Persia never asked questions expect for where was the money. Once knocked on the door and said the code word Nightingale waiting to gain access. To her surprise, it was a fine ass man who answered the door half naked. Dressed in nothing but a black speedo. "Come in ma'am we've been waiting for you." The handsome client responded. This is going to be an interesting night Persia thought. As she walked into the room and saw the lay out. Candles were everywhere and there was another fine white gentleman bound and gagged to the bed post. "Please, mistress take this." The first gentleman said handing Persia, a whip. "My partner Joel and I need to be punished. We need your caramel milk from your breasts to quench our thirst." He said. This was easier than Persia thought it was going to be a little dominatrix action and some foreplay was easy money. "Before, we get started show me the cash." She said getting undressed and ready to wear these boys out.


Finished with her four thousand coin just as quick as she started. Persia couldn't wait to get into the shower and change her clothes. She was feeling good about herself. Knowing she had more money coming put her on a natural high. It was only ten forty five and Persia still had some time to play. Wanting to start her evening with Jaxon early. She remembered how she wanted to freshen herself up and proceeded to call an uber. As she waited patiently she texted Jaxon to see what he was doing and seconds later he replied.

Persia: What you doing Papi?

Jaxon: Thinking about those sexy lips. Can you see me early? I want to talk about your surgery.

Persia: Sure, but I need to shower first.
Jaxon: you can shower at my spot. Wya?

Persia: Really? Would you join me? Pfister hotel come get me.

Jaxon: On my way!

Persia smiled it felt good to know that she was getting close to Jaxon and his money. Just like the song it's all about the Benjamin's baby.

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