Getting wild is okay, but have you imagined how happened if you overthinking?
You might take this question easy, but why people want to end themselves?
Like, maybe depression or sort of trauma and maybe their mind? But how they got depression straight up and end themselves? They suddenly feel want to die and why they think about that?
They feel useless? what happened to them?
For some reason, it's so confusing, astonishing
This reason made me think what happened in the end of times? is that true?
What happened to their soul for real? did they in peace?
Who's making the name of depression and where it's come from? are they just peek up all of sudden?
Why depression is created and why it's come to our life? Is that something special that we must have? isn't it?
Where did useless come from? where did trauma come from? what happened really?
Is this coincidence? is this luck? Misfortune? beyond the unknown?
Every verse say that someone that kill themselves enter the heaven and some of them are going to hell, can you find the difference?
The unknown..
PoetryThe real surrealism, sometimes explicit content, propaganda, or the unknown bound? it's is possible? what they hide from us?