Point 1.

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I leap out of my chair, and fly down the stairs, 2 at a time. I know what that voice means, and let me tell you it's not good...

''Yes ma'am?'' I stand tall, chin up is a respectable and poised manor. Ma'am slowly walks around me, inspecting my poor rags and messy hair. I silently yell at myself, I knew we were meant to look respectable in case anyone came from the wealthier side of London to perhaps take one of us home and keep us as their own. We all needed parents anyway. Most of the girls here were orphaned from parents dying, the others had parents unable to look after them, but nope, not me. Once I was born, my mother took one look at me and decided she didn't want me. I don't blame her... Even with my golden locks and brilliant blue eyes, I still looked like a rat and was about as much use and one. 

I've been at Hadley Hall longer than anyone. I see people come and go, it happens so often I've stopped even bothering about friends. I'm better off by myself, just me, alone...


''Come on girl! are you deaf?'' I'm brought back to the present by a hand waving in front of my face. ''Oh my goodness! You think this nice chap is going to pick you if you ignore him like that? Now go on, don't be so rude!''

The man sneers at me, his face an image of disgust as he looks at my face. He whispers into matrons ear before grabbing my collar and pulling me off into the darkness. Surely he isn't adopting me? It can't be THIS simple can it? I have no more time to think, as the man pulls me up and slings me over his shoulder. He stinks of a stench not dissimilar to one of cow and I'm smelling the worst part of it. My face is squashed onto his coat and the dust stuck to it makes it tricky to breath. I barely notice that though as I'm focused on the fact that were movie now. I still feel the cool breeze of a winters evening on my neck so we must be outside. I pound my fists onto his back and scream until I can scream no more. Where was he taking me? Who was this man? For once I was beginning to miss the orphanage. 

We drove for hours on end and did not once stop. I'd given up my attempts of escape and just lay, still rested on his back, in waiting. Waiting for us to arrive, waiting to be able to sleep so I could process what had just happend. And most of all, waiting till someone would tell me what was going on.

My eyes started to fall closed as we rode further into the darkness. I willed myself to stay awake, I couldn't risk what would happen if I didn't, but it was no use. I drifted off slowly but what met me in my dreams wasn't anything close to how I wished. Instead, visions of a beast torturing me until my body felt wrecked and sore; but the worst thing was when I awoke my nightmare did not end.

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