3. Nia's Therapy and Naruto's Finger 😏

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3. Nia's Therapy and Naruto's Finger 😏

"So... what did you think of the therapy session, beautiful?" Naruto questioned as the two were sitting on his bed in his room.

"I... I never realized I had a condition," Nia replied.

"Yeah... body dysmorphic disorder, right? After all this time, we finally have our answer."

"I...I'm so sorry, Naruto," tears filled Nia's eyes.

"What for?" he tilted his head.

"All this time, I've stressed you out. All this time, I caused you nothing but agony. You even had a panic attack because of my extremely low self esteem."

"It's... not your fault what happened. You have a serious condition. We just didn't know it yet, but now that we do, we can take steps to help you manage your symptoms."

Nia laid her head on his shoulder.

"I don't ever wanna put you in danger like that again. I'm a terrible person for what I did to you."

"Curly Brow, stop blaming yourself. I'm completely fine."

"Yeah, but Naruto, I always-"

Naruto cupped her face. "I said stop."

Nia sniffled. God, did she feel terrible. She made the man she love the most nearly have a heart attack listening to her ridiculous talking. She wanted to punch herself so badly. She truly didn't deserve Naruto.

"I understand... depression makes a person say and do the craziest things, ya know? In that moment, you weren't thinking clearly. You're suffering so badly and I know you must be thinking why on earth I still choose to stick around you, but I just..." Naruto slowly blushed. "Even though you kill me with your low self esteem, depression, and condition, for some reason I just... I just-"

"Naruto... please don't force yourself to stay with me. It's just as you said. I need help. You're an amazing, positive person... I don't wanna drag you down with me," Nia told him.

"But Curly Brow, I don't want you to be alone. I CAN'T leave you alone. I want to help you. I don't wanna give up on you... or us."

"I have issues though..."

"Don't we all? Like I told you before, I have childhood trauma and major issues when it comes to what's going on with Sasuke and yet... you stay by me through any and everything. Even on my worst days, you stay by my side and love me and for that, I'll do the same for you, ya know."

"But the difference is you don't dwell on your issues. You're positive and strong. I'm nothing like you."

"Curly Brow, you are strong. You just don't know it and one day, you'll build yourself up to be positive. All you need is love. You're completely traumatized by the guys who were around you. You're trying to get your life together at least. You go to therapy, you're about to take medication for your mental health, I mean that's very respectable. I think you're such a strong and amazing woman."

"Oh Naruto..."

"You can fight your condition. You are not ugly, Curly Brow. Just stop caring so much about what other men think. They're shallow and got issues. All they want is to put you down. They're evil."

"They always tell me... that you can never like me..." Nia revealed as she sniffled.

"Don't listen to that. I think you're beautiful and so worthy of my affection. Just cause we didn't bond immediately doesn't mean that I was never gonna like you after getting to know you. I know I don't seem like it, but I'm not like a lot of other guys. I don't care just about looks. Yes, I notice a pretty girl but what I notice most is a pretty heart, which you have both."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2024 ⏰

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