Chapter 3

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Sophie's Pov

It's my first day of college and I'm already late for my maths lesson, someone please remind me why I took it again?

I've been walking round here for half an hour still can't find this classroom, this place is massive. I'm heading toward reception for help when I finally see someone walking down the corridor; he's quite tall with brown hair and looks familiar.

'Excuse me!' I shout after him.

He jumps about 5 foot in the air. 'You scared the shit out of me, don't you know not to sneak up on people that are half asleep.' He says.

Did he have to be so rude? Not asking people round here for help again.

'I'm looking for my next lesson, sorry for presuming you would be helpful and how was I meant to know you were half asleep?' I shout back.

I go to make a dramatic exit after my rant and don't notice the mop and bucket on the floor, I trip and go flying into the wall screaming.

I look over at the boy expecting him to already halfway to me reaching out to grab me like a gentleman or I'd settle for at least showing a bit of concern on his face, but he looks like he's about to burst out laughing.

'Bastard' I mutter and get ready for dramatic exit take 2.

'Look I'm sorry.' He says.

Maybe he should tell his face that as it still look amused.

'My stupid roommate thought it would be funny to turn my alarm of this morning so I'd be late for my lesson so I  had to get ready in 5 only minutes which is very hard when your me.' He carries on.

'I suppose I'll forgive you if you tell no one what just happened and help me to my lesson, deal?' I hold my hand for him to shake.

'Deal.' He shakes my hand and laughs. 'What you got?'

I give him my timetable not even understanding it.

'Unlucky.' He smirks, 'Maths with Mr Smith, I've got him as well.’

We start walking down the corridor again, and I ask 'Why unlucky?'

'He pretty much hates the world, especially me and my best friend'

'Wait how can he already hate you?' I Ask.

 'I've been held back a year, troublemaking is apparently not tolerated.' He mumbled rolling his eyes

'Oh I see.' I say feeling anxious about walking round with this guy. I start to walk faster putting some distance between us.

'Don't worry.' he laughs 'I'm not going to kill you or anything, but we do need to have a cover story smith hates when people are late.’

Maybe I could ditch this guy, I have my own cover about being new I'm sure the teacher isn't that bad.

I don't want to make a bad first impression walking in with someone he obviously doesn't get on with, but looking around I don't think I'll make it far on my own and better late than never as my mum says, so I sadly agree.

 After wasting another 10 minutes on planning what our cover story is we just decide on winging it and hope my non-existing drama skills come in use.

I'm looking into all the classrooms as we walk by and I see Emily in her history lesson looking more interested in the chewing gum on the floor than her teacher, she looks up at me so instead of waving like normal people we pull the funniest faces we can at each other.

As I'm concentrating on getting the most chins I can to show Emily the boy suddenly laughs reminding me he's there.

'Hey I remember you, girl from the bar, with the packet of crisps in your mouth.' He says pointing his finger at me.

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