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Opening my eyes the early morning light is shining through the small gap in the blinds. I can't remember the last time I slept this good.

Having a 4 week old baby at home means most nights my husband, Taehyung, and I are awake more than we are asleep but last night I only woke once.

The apartment is quiet, maybe a little too quiet, meaning everyone must still be asleep.

Getting up out of bed I yawn and stetch before sliding on my slippers and making my way down the hallway to the nursery.

Peeking inside I see Taehyung asleep on the nursing chair and our baby girl asleep in her bassinet. The sight before me makes the biggest smile spread across my face and I can't help think just how lucky I am.

Hearing a noise coming from the kitchen I quickly close the door and walk back down the hallway in the direction of the sound.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make such a noise. I opened the cupboard and this fell out", I should have known who would be in my kitchen at 6am - Jimin, one of Taehyung's friends.

The two of them are pretty inseparable and I joked that when I married Taehyung l adopted his sidekick at the same time.

Thankfully we have always gotten along really well so having him around isn't awkward even if I do wake to find him in our apartment.

"It's okay, I was already awake and those two are still sound asleep"

"Yeah, Nari has just finished a feed and has settled back to sleep. I thought I'd try and help out while everyone is resting but well.. that hasn't really gone to plan has it?", he gestures to the mess he's made.

"We both appreciate it though Jimin, you've helped us so much especially since Nari was born", I press start the coffee machine needing my morning cup even if I now have to drink decafe.

"I'm happy to help even if that means getting a call at 2am from Taehyung asking me to come over"

"He did what?"

"Okay he didn't ask me to come over. He called because he wanted to talk to someone I guess and I sort of invited myself over in the hopes I could help out. That man is a zombie half the time, both of you are - no offence"

"None taken. Honestly last night was the best I have slept since she was born so thank you"

"Anything for you three", he gives me a smile and starts to clear up his mess holding up his hand when I take a step forward to help, "I've got this, just you relax".

"Thank you. Do you want a coffee since I'm making myself one?"

"Yeah but only if you have some more of that new milk. I used the last of it when making mine and Tae's coffees earlier this morning"

I look at him in confusion before walking over and opening the fridge - shit.

"Jimin, what did this...new milk look like exactly?"

"Like milk. It was in a little pouch not a carton"

Trying not to laugh takes all my self control. He really doesn't realise what he's done.

"That was for Nari"

"Huh?", he looks around at me with furrowed brows.

"Mimi - you and Taehyung drank my breastmilk in your coffee", I can no longer hold back my laughter especially as the realisation of what he did hits him.

"Is it wrong that it was actually really good?", I feel my husband's arms wrap around my waist as he speaks.

"Hmm, I'm going to say yes and don't go thinking you're getting any more because these", I cup my breasts, "work hard to produce that for our daughter not you and your sidekick over there".

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