last resort

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       Huh, who knew werewolf eyes were so pretty.

                                        {Episode 1.04}

After Stiles told the siblings that the bus driver was dead, Scott went to Derek, thinking that he was the one who bit him this entire time. But Derek only told him that it wasn't him who bit Scott, it was someone else, an alpha. While Scott and Stiles were in class, Stiles kept asking questions about said alpha, that Scott didn't know the answers to.

Once the end of the day came around, Stiles and Evie were walking to his jeep, Stiles taking her home since Scott was going to Allison's to study.

"I mean, maybe they are just studying, Stiles. Just because they're hanging out alone, doesn't always mean sex." Evie tells him as they climb into the jeep, Stiles giving her a look.

"Eve, we're guys. Any living, breathing teenage boy is going to think sex." He responds and she cringes away.

"God, you guys are so gross. Holy shit!" Evie exclaims, jumping in the passenger seat just before Stiles pulls off. Derek stands in front of the car, holding up an arm.

"Oh my God!" Stiles says and Derek sways on his feet, Evie looking at Stiles, not knowing what to do. Scott rushes over to the jeep, a long line of cars behind Stiles, honking. Derek falls to the ground, Stiles throwing his hands up.

"You've gotta be kidding me. This guy's everywhere!" Stiles huffs as students step out of their cars to watch the scene that's going on. Evie slumps down in her seat, as Scott walks to Stiles' window.

"What the hell?" Scott questions and kneels down next to Derek, Stiles getting out and following. "What are you doing here?" He asks Derek.

"I was shot." He states.

"He's not looking so good, dude..." Stiles trails off as Scott looks at him in confusion.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asks him and Derek groans in pain.

"I can't. It was– it was a different kind of bullet." He says, Stiles getting excited.

"What, a silver bullet?" He asks and Derek shoots him an irritated expression.

"No, you idiot–"

"Wait, wait– that's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours..." Scott says and Derek's eyes widen in alarm.

"What? Who-who said forty-eight hours?"

"The one who shot you." Scott states and Derek's eyes flash a bright blue as he grimaces in agony. Evie peeks over the dashboard, as his eyes flash to his werewolf eyes and human eyes.

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