Two Fractured Reflection

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Chapter Two


**Her POV**

The city was alight with a hazy glow, streetlights casting golden pools onto slick pavements, and the hum of life everywhere. Her friends laughed as they walked together, sharing memes, pointing out random quirks in their surroundings, snapping photos like the night was made for them. They were a whirlwind of energy, faces illuminated by the soft blue light of their phones as they sought the next viral sensation, their voices mingling in the cool night air.

“Did you see this one?” her friend nudged her, laughing, her phone held out like an offering. The screen displayed a picture of a clueless puppy with the caption, *Me trying to pretend I know what’s going on in class.* She chuckled, grateful for the distraction, but the laughter felt hollow as it echoed in her chest.

The city felt alive, but inside, she wrestled with a creeping unease, the shadow of a certain familiar presence lingering in her mind. Sae Itoshi. The name resonated in her thoughts like a haunting melody, both familiar and foreign. It had been years since she’d seen him, but their encounter at the airport had dredged up a torrent of memories, along with feelings she had thought long buried.

“Earth to [Your Name]! You with us?” another friend waved her hand in front of her face, pulling her from her spiraling thoughts.

“Yeah, sorry,” she replied, shaking her head as if to clear it. “Just... thinking.”

“About what? Your secret crush?” teased another friend, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. “C’mon, spill! Is it someone we know?”

Her laughter was genuine but laced with a hint of anxiety. “No, no crush! Just... school stuff.” She felt the heat rise to her cheeks, but they didn’t push further. Instead, they seamlessly shifted back to their playful banter, but the moment lingered, and she couldn’t shake the feeling of Sae’s cold gaze from her mind.

After a night filled with laughter and trending memes, she found herself in bed, scrolling through photos on her phone. The glow illuminated her face, but her heart felt heavy. She landed on a picture of her younger self, a girl with a bright smile and carefree spirit, arms thrown wide as she laughed with friends. Next to her stood Sae, grinning, that same spark of mischief dancing in his eyes. But that boy had vanished, replaced by someone she could barely recognize.

She traced the outline of his face in the photo with her fingertip, feeling the pang of nostalgia mixed with longing. What had changed? What had happened to the boy who had once argued with her over the most trivial things, who had turned their childhood rivalry into a source of unexpected joy?

The memories swirled in her mind like a tempest, and she allowed herself to dwell on the past, recalling the sharp-edged barbs they exchanged in their youth. They had been competitive in everything—school, sports, even who could get the most laughs from their friends.

But it hadn’t always been animosity. There had been moments of camaraderie, small victories they shared, where laughter overshadowed competition. She remembered that time they had both tried out for the school play. The roles were minor, but they had encouraged each other, sneaking glances at each other’s performances, their laughter spilling into the auditorium like music.

Those moments felt like a lifetime ago. Now, everything felt tainted by the distance and the coldness that had crept into their interactions.


**His POV**

Sae sat alone in his room, the silence thick and unyielding, an oppressive reminder of his solitude. The soft glow from his phone illuminated his features, casting shadows that emphasized the tension in his jaw. He scrolled through old photos, not of friends or family, but of goals he’d scored, stadiums he’d filled, trophies he’d held. These were his only companions—reminders of the sacrifices he’d made, the loneliness he’d endured.

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⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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