In Case You Didn't Know...

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*Your P.O.V*

Olly chased me round the whole house before he caught up to me (I think he did it on purpose but it was cute). When he did catch up to me he pinned me to the floor and I let out a yelp. He then tickled me, in fits of laughter and screaming Olly continued to tickle me... he tickled me for about 5 minutes straight and I had tears of laughter in my eyes. He helped me up and when he did i played the guilty trip... "OW! THAT HURT!" I screamed i pulled my best puppy dog face. He hugged me. "Oh My Gosh Sorry babe." He said concerned. When he did i started tickling him. He fell to the floor but he pulled me down with him.... Not the idea i had in mind.

*Olly P.O.V*

So me and y/n had been tickling each other for at least half an hour now. "OKAY!OKAY! I give up!" She screamed at me. I laughed and helped her up. We went to have some dinner. Y/N made her specialty...  Steak Diane With fluffy Mash... MMMMMM!!! We finished tea and we went to the shop. I bought us some wine, some chocolate and some jelly tots. We got back and we hired some films. She went up and pulled her double duvet down. She had changed into her PJ's and she looked so comfy. I had put my lounge pants on and we sat on the sofa. I had the snacks and drink she had the cover. We sat down and pulled a fold away table up. We put the stuff on and curled up. Y/N snuggled right into me and we just cuddled. She picked the first film- The Fault In Our Stars- Great- I heard of it but never watched it. "I usually get upset watching this so i may need some comfort." She said getting comfortable. "Don't worry, I'm here." I said before kissing her temple.

*Your P.O.V*

It got to the saddest part of the film, and me, being the emotional wreck am, well I was crying. Olly pulled me into a tighter hug to stop me, "Hey, don't cry! It's only a film." He said before he shed a tear himself, he sneakily wiped it away but I saw. "It's only a film hey(!)" He laughed. I placed a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled... " I thought I was supposed to protect you?!" he asked... "Sue me!" he laughed. He then put 'the goonies' on, I knew he would at some point, It was his favorite film. We laughed throughout the film. "Hey? What time is your album released tonight?" I asked Olly curious. He looked at his phone "Huh. 3 hours, that means we can watch this!" He said before putting Saw on... "Olly." I gulped "I don't like scary films, they creep me out. He smiled. "I'm here to protect you!" And that's just what he did. When i got scared Olly tightened his grip on me to keep me safe and secure. 

*Olly's P.O.V*

It turned 11:55 and it was 5 minutes until my album was released. Me and y/n talked about each other more and what we liked. "Hey!" I remembered" We haven't been on out first date yet!" She looked surprised. By this time everything was set back in  the kitchen so I got on one knee and said "Y/n. Will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?" She giggled... In case you didn't know, I loved her laugh. I just smiled at her. "Of course I will Mr. Murs." I smiled. She pulled me on the sofa and gave me a kiss. It turned twelve. "Well, That's my second album out." I said with a smile. "Time to start the third one?" She said with a wink. I laughed. "Next week darl, I need to promote this one first... gosh your so excited!" She giggled. We both went up to bed. We kissed and went our separate ways, it pained me not being able to lie with her and keep her safe but it's what she wanted...

*Your P.O.V*

I woke up from a horrible dream... It was a dream that both me and Olly had a car crash but i survived and Olly didn't and I was left a willow. I checked the time it was 3. I was so scared I needed a hug. I walked to Olly's room. Knock Knock. I knocked on Olly's door, "Olly, can I come in?" he replied with "mmhmm..." Oh no I had woken him, I walked in, " Hey, Ols. Sorry to wake you, I had a horrible dream and needed a hug." He sat up, "Don't worry about it darl, you came to the right place at the right time, i was in the middle of a horrible dream." He patted the bed for me to go over. I went over and sat down, he pulled the cover over me and put his arm around me. 

*Olly's P.O.V*

Y/n had woken me but i didn't mind, she was worth it. She had a bad dream but she came to the right place to get that fixed. I pulled her into a hug and I felt her get comfortable, I guess she was sleeping. It didn't bother me. She fell asleep and I did shortly after. I woke up before y/n and checked the chart list, my new album was no.1 i was so proud. I was going to make us breakfast but y/n snuggled into me and for once in my life, everything felt perfect. I had a perfect girl on my arm, a number one album, a new single coming out and a great career. I had achieved so much in such little time. I had been having a ball and just... AW! My life was the best! I have no words to explain how much joy all this had brought me! Y/n had made me so happy, she doesn't know how happy she had made me... She rolled over and I could move, I made her breakfast and planned my day and night... I had a few free days before promoting 'Dance with me tonight' (My second single from In case you didn't know) 'Heart Skips A Beat' had done so well coming no.1 in the charts, I was hoping 'Dance with me tonight would be the same'... 

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