im get a punishment am i?

8 0 0

ruby Pov

hey sis what up

uh Guss who teleport into here



Jojo Pov


sound like yang

well, I'm dead 

i see yang 

why you!

i just hug her

shhh I'm here

she starts to cry

i know i dead but gods son gave me chance 

the other come back



I'm in trouble? 

please no i out energy 

what you mean

when you teleport every where it starts to hurt 

we were in a cave

crap i allmost drop the relic

then i see something

guy we not alone

what you mean

something or someone is here

something or someone is here

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my weapon feels Havey

good thing i my eye change


run now!

 As more of the Grimm slowly start to come out from the basement, Weiss uses Myrtenaster and a glyph to send fire toward the cellar doors. Using the spilled alcohol, she sets the grim on fire

jojo start to glow a yellow gold

what jojo? ruby look confused 

what jojo? ruby look confused 

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this is requiem


back to cinder 

In the Vault under Haven Academy, the sound of a weapon clanging is heard. Neopolitan and Roma stares at the door that once guarded the Relic of Knowledge; the door itself is now a stone wall since the Relic has been taken out.

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