It'll be Okay

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*Clementine's POV*
I stop when I here Samuels voice, I kinda wasn't expecting it.

I look at him for a second I don't know what too do seconds ago I was just scared to death, and then Samuel shows up and I feel at least a little safer. I never thought I would see him again, and here he is.

"Sam-Samuel" I don't make a face expression. I don't know what expression to make

Samuel nods and smiles

"Yeah its me"

I run in his arms and hug him tightly.

He hugs me back just before he gets a gun pointed at his head. Wait why is this man doing this to Samuel and not me I don't understand he wants me not him. WHY THE FUCK CANT HE TELL ME HIS DAMN NAME!!!

"Wait... Wh-why..... You want me not Him" I make sure my eyes meet his.

"He has a gun" the man says it like he just said his first words........... Well he does have a point I am defense less I have no weapon what so ever, I don't know how to use them ?

I wait a second before responding "O-okay I understand" I am a useless person I shouldn't even be here......

My eyes soon meets Samuels. I don't know what to do I have nothing all i have had since the beginning was that butter knife, and its in my bag, that the man took from me.

My breath increases a bit "please just let him go take me I don't care..... He will
Leave just take me!....." I start crying gently

"I do want you... But Samuel must do his job first." The man makes his words firm, but I am shocked what is Samuels 'job' he hasn't done ?

"What's he talking about Samuel ?" I keep my eyes on Samuel and question him I didn't know he had a job that hasn't been done.

*Samuels POV*
What the fuck is he talking about is he one of the people Jace told everything too or one of the people he had connections with ?

"What are you talking about ?" I act stupid I know its ridiculous but i can't tell Clementine I went too her house to kill her i thinks thats why i was sent there.

When I got to her house that day I was all confident that I was gonna kill her but when she stepped out I just couldn't do it.... She so young and its hard.... Jace was just watching her for days before her finally decide that he wanted her supplies. Then he came to me and asked me to do the job.... But I couldn't I am to soft and I have always been my family use to hate because I was.

But I am not telling Clem..... NO!

"You know when you went to Clementine's house tell her the real reason you went there ?" The man's voice is solid

"I went there while I was in town ?" I lie

"Tell her the reason or I will... Then I'll kill you." He tightens the grip around my the gun

I kick my leg up and hit the man in the balls and he gets distracted I quickly pull my gun out and point it

"You shouldn't have spoken of it!" I pull the trigger

The guys blood runs towards mine and Clem's feet, but I don't move. I can't move I'm scared Clem will say something , and I went know how to respond.

I know she is gonna wanna know sooner or later, and I will bring myself to tell her. I have to tell her now... Well not now.....

I here her move and begin walking...

I make myself move and step out of the blood "Clem ?"

She keeps walking

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