Wake up.

14 1 0

I tossed and turned in my sleep. I opened my eyes and breathed heavily. I looked on my side and didn't see Vince.

The horrible stench from the bathroom attacked my nose and I felt like puking.

I heard a voice behind me.

"Wake up."


"Wake up."



I looked behind me, but there was only the wall. I looked in front of me and saw Vince's dead body. I screamed in horror as the voice kept screaming 'wake up'.

I slapped myself in the face, hard, but I didn't wake up. I curled up and sobbed. Suddenly, it was silence. I looked around and saw that it was gone.

Was I even dreaming?

I got up and walked downstairs to grab a glass of water. I downed it and went back upstairs.

Wait... where is Vince?

I shrugged and went back to sleep.

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