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2 months later..

Sorry for the huge time gap

I've been throwing up everyday now and Cameron has been there with me through every step. Like he promised since the night I planned the wedding. Today I was going for in for an ultrasound to identify the baby's gender. I was excited.

My baby bump was getting bigger everyday and I was only five months. I had a feeling this baby or the possibility of these babies would be big. I was online on my computer still planning everything. I was only missing a few things and I was all set.

It was 2:00 in the afternoon my appointment was at three. I decided to make dinner early. Cameron was sleeping because he just got back from New York last night. He was there for 5 days. 

I decided to make something simple. So I went for chicken parmesean with spaghetti. It might be simple for me but hard for others. I really don't know, to be honest everyone cooks differently.

I finished around 2:55 and had five minutes to get to the hospital. I left the food on the stove but turned it off. I grabbed the keys to Cameron's car and zoomed off.

I got there just on time and the doctor had already called my name. I followed him into the room and he told me to lay down. He put the jelly on my stomach and started the machine.

"Ok so this is the head and the legs, arm and etc.. " He explained "And here is where you can tell the gender, if you can see its a girl... Wait hold on there is another one, Oh it's a boy"

"Oh My God, IM HAVING TWINS ?"I exclaimed

He laughed and gave me the photo. I left with the picture and smiling. I drove back home with the radio blasting. When I got home Cameron was at home tapping his foot on the floor while sitting at the couch.

He was in a bad mood when I picked him up from the airport so I didn't talk to him. I threw the keys on the table and put my purse down with the picture inside.

He finally looked up and saw me. He got up and hugged me tightly slightly lifting me off the ground, spinning me. He kissed me softly but roughly. I moaned when he groped my ass. Damn you Cameron, I thought to myself.

I pulled away slowly, I breathed exhaling and inhaling slowly.

"Cameron" I smiled holding the picture behind my back, sitting down, "CAMERON, UGH THIS IS SO EXCITING".

"What is it Amber, you're scaring me!? " He panicked

"WE'RE HAVING TWINS !" I squealed and hugged him. He gasped and grinned widely at the same time.

"Oh My Lord Amber, we created our own family already " He gawked rubbing my stomach. I kissed him.

"Can we cuddle" I pleaded

"Yea, we can all four  of us" He answered

He turned on the Xbox to Netflix and put on a random movie. I suggested we watched Expelled since Cameron was in it. We were at the end where him and Lia were making out. I got kinda of jealous (really jealous) and Cameron noticed. He smirked.

"She's a really good kisser" He teased

"Really? Is that so" I replied acting as if that didn't phase me.

"Yup, probably better than you.. " He kept smirking.

"So.. Better than this" I said and kissed him by surprise. The I bit his lip and pulled on it while palming him through his jeans. He moaned opening his mouth giving me access. I grinned on him and kissed him a little more then pulled away.

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