The Other Half of the Day

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Ugh why was I so horrible at school?! I have a friend. His name is Victor. I call him Vic, obviously. I saw the houses surrounding the school. I wonder how my place is going to be. Still, I was horrible at school. So I sloshed sadly to my next class.

Ugh not science! As long as it's not anatomy it's fine! Wait, what did anatomy mean again? Anyways I walked to sit next to a a palish girl with purple hair. She had purple eyes then she shot a glare at me. "What's with you and staring?!" she said and turned to her desk and picked up her science book. "Sorry," I said and tried to do the same. But the book was so BORING I couldn't read it.

"Yo Gar!" Vic said and walked over to me and we bumped fists. He took the seat next to me. But the girl with purple hair groaned and tried to read her book in peace. "What a nerd," a girl named Terra said with her friend Argent and snickered. The purple girl sighed and flipped a page of the book.

"Dude, what is her problem?" I whispered over to Vic and he kept a straight face. "That's Rachel Roth. I went to one of the classes with her and her popularity rate is 0," Vic whispered into my ear and made a zero with his hand. "It's not my fault, you know," Rachel said and closed her book and turned to look at us. She heard us.

"Oh yeah then who's fault is it librarian?" Vic said and crossed his arms and Rachel sighed moving her book the the right corner of her desk. "Mr. Jones can I be excused?" Rachel raised her hand and Mr. Jones sighed as Rachel went out of the classroom and slammed the door exiting.

"Dude! That was cold!" I said to Vic and he smirk. "What? You like Rachel or something?" Vic snickered and I raised one eyebrow. "Bro! I'd get expelled if I did! But seriously man, that was harsh," I said and Vic smirked. "Um Mr. Jones. Can I be excused? I need to number 2 really badly. Too much hot sauce in the burritos," I said and Terra laughed behind me. Mr. Jones rolled his eyes and pointed to the exit. I nodded and raced out of the classroom as if I really needed to go.

Then I spotted the girl with purple hair. "Yo Rachel!" I called out to her and she flinched and balled her hands into fists. "Don't 'Yo' me. Besides. Aren't you with that friend of yours?" Rachel looked at me and her eyes were a bit puffy and red. Woah. Was she crying?

"Rachel. Are you okay?" I walked closer to her but she put her hand with black nail polish in front of me as a stop sign. Rachel wiped her eyes with her other hand. "N-no need to console me. I'm fine," Rachel said and walked away. I'm fed up with her attitude.

"Hey Rachel! What's with you?! You wanna know why those girls make fun of you?! It's your attitude!" I said and she looked at me and water welled up in her eyes. Gosh what did I just do. "Rachel, I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were sensitive," I said and Rachel tried to form a smile. "No your right. I'm just trying to not get expelled," she completed her smile and wiped her tears away.

There was something in her smile that didn't fit her personality. Call me geeky but it was unnatural the way she smiled with her tears. I think that I needed to know more about her. And her personality. But she was starting to walk away. "Wait!" I called out and grabbed her hand when I was trying to get her arm. I saw her flinch.

"Look can we be, friends? I mean, you aren't part of group H and you seem like a really nice reason and-" I was cut off when Rachel did that smile thing again. "Yeah. I guess having a friend won't be bad," Rachel chuckled a little tilting her head a bit and closing her eyes. I smiled and went back to class with Rachel. But she went in first so it wouldn't seem to obvious. Then I went after and took my seat next to Vic.

"Dude what did you do with her?" Vic whispered over to me. "I went and dumped my burrito. What else did you think I did?" I whispered over to him and he pointed to Rachel who was sitting next to me. She ignored us and started taking notes in her notebook. I was just talking to Vic here. "No I used the extra chili hot sauce again! You saw me eat it!" I said and Vic nodded and grabbed his pencil and started to take notes. Wait, did I need to take notes?

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