I quickly wish that this world was a little less war-torn. Less violence, less pain, less grief. That King Thaddeus was a softer man, like Demios, and not corrupt by a hellbent curse.

Prince Demios then pushes my hands up, finally letting go of me. I take a sip of the cool and surprisingly crisp water. Right as I was about to open my eyes, however, I feel a splash to my face. I feel my mouth open in disbelief.

Prince Demios gives a sly smile before he quickly pulls me back into the water before I can protest. I couldn't help but laugh at this man. My laughing quickly fades when I realize Demios is scarily close to me. He holds himself above me, his torso out of the water and his arms on each side of my face.

"You need to get over your fears, lady Aurelia. Not everything in this world is cruel," Demios whispers into my ear.

And for the first time, I was being looked at like there was something in me worth looking at. I noticed his brown eyes had flecks of green, like the earthy trees, and gold, like the unforgiving sun. I then came to realize, I was famished. Not for food, but for belongingness, caring, maybe even a little love.

A silence falls between us, but we hurriedly part when someone clears their throat. As we shuffle away from one another and stand to our feet in the fountain, I feel a lump catch in my throat.

There in front of us stood an unimpressed important man, King Martell.

"Father I-" Demios is cut off by Martell raising his hand to silence him.

"Frolicking in the fountain with King Thaddeus' mate? What would he think?"

"She had a heat stroke. She fainted and had to be cooled down." Demios straightens his shoulders to look more proper. I foolishly stand silent with my hand holding my elbow.

Martell stares into his son, clear disappointment as his old face frowns.

Demios steps out of the fountain and offers me his hand to climb out. I do so.

King Martell sighs, "I suppose her body is used to below freezing weather. She isn't acclimated to this heat. Her body needs time to adjust."

King Martell holds his arm out for me, I graciously take hold of it, and he starts leading me back inside the castle walls.

"We won't speak of this... incident," King Martell states quietly to me. I peek over my shoulder at prince Demios one last time as he runs a hand through his wet hair.

"I'm sure that's the best option," I agree as I look down to my feet.

King Martell slightly nods. As we walk, I notice he isn't watching his step or where we are heading, rather he kept his attention on me. Analyzing the way I walk, the way I blink, the way I breathe.

It was unnerving to be watched so closely. It was as though he wanted to talk to me, question me, and every bone in my body was pleading, hoping that he wouldn't.

"How did you and King Thaddeus come to find one another?" He finally asks, his wrinkled eyes squaring in on me.

I bite the inside of my cheek hoping I don't mess up the lie Thaddeus expects me to uphold with him.

"At a ball," I reply as confidently as possible.

King Martell hums in response. We found a corridor and reach a wide hall lined with many large windows and pillars.

King Martell stops. I release his arm.

"I hope to see you at dinner," he bows his head ever slightly and leaves me.

I watch until the short man is out of my eyesight before I let out a sigh of relief. I finally start down the hall, my gaze locked upon the golden shiny floor. The gold reminded me of the flecks in Demios's eyes.

Alpha King's HealerWhere stories live. Discover now