Riley's POV
I am right now just at home and Kat gave me a message
(R=Riley K=Kat)
K: Hey
R: Hey
K: how is James?
R: Ok
K: can I talk to James
R: No
K: why?
R: he is hanging out with Christain
K: Oh ok
R: how are you?
K: good
R: same
Emily: Hey, Riley?
Riley: yea?
Emily: how is it in A- roupe
Riley: sort of ok, I mean, drama has already began, but here, I am dance captain with my new friend Kat, Kat likes Christain but Christain doesn't wanna date his ex girlfriends best friend of though his ex girlfriend is in another countinent as Kat is feeling upset inside as Stephanie already got injured
Emily: Ok, Beth and Charlie are dating
Riley: good, anyone new in B- troupe
Emily: they had B- troupe auditions, this hot guy named West-
Riley: wait, your ex
Emily: yes my ex
Riley: if you two aren't dating anymore then why did you call him hot
Emily: fine, West and I are back together
Riley: OMG, anyways I better be off, bye
*later at the studio*
I walk in, I am alone in studio A so I am doing a solo, Kat walks in, the solo is to "Wake me up" by Avicii
Kat: that was amazing
Riley: thanks, I am having trouble knowing when and what to do, since it is my first year of being dance captain
Kate walks in with everyone else in the troupe
Kate: I was thinking, last year we had a duet for our regionals finals, so we wanna do the same thing is last year
Everyone (other then Kat and Christain) *turns towards Michelle and Eldon* : Michelle and Eldon
Eldon: sure
Michelle: sure
I walk into the music room to see Michelle and Eldon sittting with each other
Eldon: what have we done
Michelle: yea
Eldon: if this keeps going, how will this duet even be good
Michelle: yeah
Eldon: but, I don't think I can forgive you
Michelle: wait what!
Riley: what happened?
Michelle: Eldon thought I messed up so he called me on it, then we got into this HUGE fight
I look around,
Riley: wait, there is a dent in the wall
Michelle: I akready paid to get it fixed
Eldon: lets just forgive and forget
Michelle: sure
they hug and kiss
Emily's POV
I am in my room as Riley walks in
Emily: what are you doing here
Riley: Come to studio A at the next step
Emily: why, I am not a part of A- troupe
I am at studio A with everyone there
Kate: you are the last one to audition for a spot, you might get a spot on the regionals team
I jump for joy, then start dancing
everyone from B- troupe and J- troupe who auditioned, are right now waiting to see if they made it in to take Stephanie's spot and Kate walks
in, I am feeling scared, telling myself, not again, I cannot let my chance stop me from dancing
Kate: Emily, uoi made it onto the team
I scream for joy
I am in culture shock talking to West
West: wow, so you made it in
Emily: yea
West: I am so sorry, but I don't think we can,, its just that, listen, me and you are in different troupes,
Emily: could we at least try to date
West: sure,
West stands up
West: Bye Emily
Emily: bye West
West walks away

The new step (a the next step fanfiction)
FanfictionThe next step heads towards winning regional s but, 2 new people arrive, will they take the drama Dance academy characters: Kat and Christian