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Despite research efforts focusing on varioussustainable practices in hospitality, such as recyclingprograms, energy efficiency, water conservation, andwaste management, the topic of food sustainabilityremains unexplored in this context, even though thephenomenon is highly relevant given the experientialnature of the services and products offered in theindustry. In addition, food waste is a complex issueinfluenced by various factors, including post-harvestlosses, consumer preferences, and supply chaininefficiencies. In the Philippines, much of theresearch on food waste is focused on broadercategories, such as fruits and vegetables.

This study aims to address this current scenario byconducting product development using underutilizedfruit which is soursop (Annona muricata) into analternative fruit syrup to be used by the hospitalityindustry, particularly the food and beverage industry.Although it is difficult to get precise information onproduction numbers, De Lima, and Alves (2011) claimthat Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and Costa Ricaare the top exporters of soursop goods, primarily inthe form of frozen pulp and fresh fruit. The primaryproducers of soursop in South America are Brazil,Colombia, and Venezuela, with Venezuela being thebiggest producer in this region. Brazil comes in thirdplace globally in terms of output, after Mexico. Freshfruit and frozen pulp consumption predominates inthese nations.

The soursop tree, or Annona muricata, is a memberof the family Annonaceae and is cultivated for theenormous, tasty fruits it bears. Spencer et al. (2017)discussed that soursop is often utilized in the creationof a wide variety of items, including meals, drinks,and other goods. While there is limited specificresearch available on soursop food waste in thePhilippines, the issue of food waste in the country is aconcern, and soursop, like other perishable fruits, isnot exempt from this problem. Food waste is acomplex issue influenced by various factors, includingpost-harvest losses, consumer preferences, andsupply chain inefficiencies.

As a perceived solution to this problem, the studyaims to create a new variety of syrup that will be usedas a food and beverage enhancer using soursop(Annona muricata) as the primary raw materialbecause currently in the Philippines, there is noexisting syrup product using soursop as flavor. Theutilization of soursop in the development of new fruitbased syrup will benefit both the consumer and thehospitality industry, particularly the beverageindustry, as well as maximize and utilize the soursopin the market. Furthermore, this will help to reducewaste and prevent the underuse of the soursop(Annona muricata). 

This study focuses on an all-encompassing notion of"green food" that takes several aspects of "greenness"into account. In light of this, it is reasonable to inferthat the idea of "green food" consists of two keyelements: locally sourced food, and foodsustainability. Local food is considered to beproduced and consumed within a specific geographicarea. On the other hand, food sustainability refers tothe ethical production, distribution, and use of foodthat ensures the planet's and its people' long-termhealth and wellbeing. It includes a wide range ofmethods and ideas designed to strike a balancebetween social, environmental, and economic aspectsof the food system. In this study, soursop (Annonamuricata) also known as Guyabano is one of thetropical fruit in the Philippines which is consideredunderutilized fruit and therefore, use to develop analternative syrup product that will beneficial to thefood and beverage industry.

Based on Medenilla (2022), Guyabano also known assoursop, is a small tropical fruit tree that producesgreen heart-shaped and maybe oblong fruits with softspikes on top. It has a sour-tasting, soft pulp that ishigh in carbohydrates and Vitamin C. Lachica (2020)mentioned that it is high in carbohydrates, dietaryfiber, and Vitamins C, B1, and B2. Guyabano containsa high concentration of flavonoid, a phytochemicalthat has been shown to impede and even stop thespread of viruses, carcinogens, and allergens. Fresco(2016) stated that Guyabano has grown in popularity in alternative healthcare and medicine due to varioushealth claims and its purported ability to fight and killcancer cells. However, because there has been verylittle scientific research on guyabano, its therapeuticcases are not scientifically proven.

Since the fruit is fragile, its pulp is produced instead,making it the most lucrative commercial form. Freshsoursop fruit is a market favorite due to its pleasantand sweet flavor. Sacramento et al. (2003) estimate apulp yield of 83.12% to 85.85%, however NolascoGonzález et al. (2019) assert values of 46.8% to80.6%. Changes in the location of the fruit'sproduction can be used to explain the authors'statement of a yield variation. The pulp's ability to beboth stiff and soft makes it suitable for freezing andsubsequent commercialization. From this, we mayproduce derivative goods like juice, nectar, ice cream,jam, and yogurt. 

Fruit-based syrup is one of the food components thathas gained popularity among consumers since it isgood for taste enhancers. As stated by the flavoredsyrup market analysis report by Grand View ResearchInc. (2022), the value of the global market of flavoredsyrups reached USD 46.3 billion in 2018 and isfurther expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1 percentbetween 2019 and 2025. Fruit-flavored syrups haveled the market due to their widespread use inbeverage products. It is primarily used as a toppingingredient in both hot and cold beverages,particularly alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, asan alternative sweetener, and as a flavoring enhancer.The massive consumption of non-alcoholic andalcoholic beverages, flavored syrup continues to growin the global market due to its widespread use (Fact.MR, 2021). By flavored syrup industry research, itincreased household consumption for severalingredients or flavorings, that are mostly purchasedby beverage manufacturers, hotels, and restaurants.Flavored syrup helps the hospitality industry whichoffers only limited variety of flavored fruit syrup. 

As stated by bridge market research by CDNNewswire (2022), there is only common flavoredfruit-based syrup here in the Philippines includingmango, lemon, raspberry, orange and grapes.Therefore, the consumer demands a new variety offlavors that will satisfy the needs and cravings of theconsumers since it is used to innovate dishes andbeverages. The researchers wanted to develop a newvariety of fruit-based syrup using soursop (Annonamuricata) as the main ingredient since the soursop isoften overlooked because it is not very well knownand because of its texture and aroma. Makebe et al.(2020) mentioned that soursop, also known asAnnona muricata is a tropical and subtropical fruitthat is not used enough due to its high perishability,this fruit suffers massive post-harvest losses. Theendless number of weight and tons of food beingwasted is one of the major problems in every country,lack of information about food preservation, lack offood management, and even lack of environmentalprojects that focus on production of the consumptionfood products.

Market analysis report by Grand View Research(2022), the increasing demand for a new variety offlavors of fruit-based syrup in the food and beverageindustry is continuing to drive market growth.Flavored syrup manufacturers are enhancing thedevelopment of innovative flavors by utilizingunderutilized-fruit and honey-containing syrups tosatisfy the consumers' continuously changing tastepreferences, thereby contributing to the global marketgrowth. The use of flavored syrups as a flavorenhancer and sweetener is gaining popularity amongmanufacturers across the industry. The beveragecategory, which includes a wide range of liquid syrupsin various flavors, has contributed the most to marketdemand. Some individuals use fruit-based syrup toenhance the flavor of their beverages. However,because the market only has common flavored syrup,consumers are searching for innovative and uniqueflavors. Rising sugar consumption awareness, rapidlychanging taste and flavor preferences, and increasingdemand for food items packed with unique, natural,and authentic flavors are certain key factors drivingmarket revenue growth (Reports and Data, 2021). Asa result, consumers may be eager to try newinnovative products.

Development and acceptability of Soursop (Annona muricata) as alternative fruitWhere stories live. Discover now